Lab 3: Move Application into an RTOS


In Lab 3, you will enhance the existing application to run in an RTOS environment.


The whole application is divided into three tasks.

  • Sensor task
  • SD card task
  • USB task

The tasks will run as separate RTOS threads.

The Sensor task will use:

  • A button to switch the application on or off
  • Timer System Service using Core Timer to periodically trigger the sampling of temperature sensor data
  • Asynchronous I2C Driver using I2C1 Peripheral Library to read the temperature sensor

The SD card task will use:

  • Asynchronous SDSPI Driver using SPI2 Peripheral Library to write temperature log onto SD card
  • File System Service interfaced with SDSPI Driver to perform operations on the SD card
  • RTC Peripheral Library to capture the current log time

The USB task will use:

  • Debug System service and Console System service using CDC Peripheral Library to print data on a serial port terminal


Lab 3 Index

Part 1 - Configure FreeRTOS, I2C Driver, SDSPI Driver, File System, and Harmony Core

Part 2 - Add Application Code and Build the Application

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