Lab 4: Add HTTP Web Server to Visualize Data

Step 2: With MHC, Configure TCPIP Stack


Open MHC with Tools > Embedded > MPLAB Harmony 3 Configurator.


Add Wi-Fi® Service under Available Components > Wireless > System Services > WIFI SERVICE.

Figure 1: Add WIFI SERVICE Component

MHC will pop up to get confirmation for component auto-activation:

  • NVM: select Yes
  • UART1: select No
  • Cryptographic (Crypto) Library: select Yes
  • wolfCrypt Library: select Yes
  • CONSOLE: select Yes
  • COMMAND: select Yes
  • PIC32MZW1: select Yes
  • BA414E: select Yes
  • TCP/IP Application Layer Configurator: select Yes
  • IPv4: select Yes
  • ARP: select Yes
  • UDP: select Yes
  • ICMPv4: select Yes

Then, MCH will pop up to get confirmation for attachment auto-connect:

  • tcpipNetConfig_0 and drvWifiPic32mzw1: select Yes
  • lib_crypto and lib_wolfcrypt: select Yes
  • sys_console_0 and tcpipStack: select Yes
  • sys_console_0 and sys_debug: select Yes
  • sys_console_0 and sys_command: select Yes
  • drvWifiPic32mzw1:BA414E and drv_ba1414: select Yes

Finally, MHC will pop up to get confirmation for component auto-activation:

  • TCP: select Yes


Observe the organization of the components in MHC.

It is possible to navigate between the different layers and visualize the configuration of the components using the View list box.

Figure 2: Observe the Project Graph Organization


Select the System Configuration view and make a connection between wolfCrypt Library > DRV_BA414E and BA414E.

Figure 3: Connect wolfCrypt Library to BA414E


  • Select the Root view.
  • When MHC auto-activates components, it may break some already made connections. In this application, the connection between CDC Function Driver and Console has been broken, because both components are organized in two different layers.
  • Remove the CDC Function Driver component from the Root layer.
    • Select the CDC Function Driver.
    • Delete the selected component.
    • Reply Yes to deactivate the CDC Function Driver.
Figure 4: Remove the CDC Function Driver component
Figure 5: Deactivate the CDC Function Driver component


Select the System Configuration view and make sure the Console component is present.

Right-click on the yellow diamond next to USB_DEVICE_CDC in Instance 0. From the Satisfiers list, select CDC Function Driver.

Figure 6: Connect Console USB_Device_CDC with CDC Function Driver
Figure 7: Console linked to CDC Function Driver


At this point, the console requires a larger buffer for the application.

Select the Instance 0 of the CONSOLE component and set the following size:

  • Transmit Buffer Size: enter 256
  • Receive Buffer Size: enter 256
Figure 8: Set Console Buffer Size to 256

Next Step >

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