MPLAB® Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM E70/S70/V70/V71 Using FreeRTOS™: Step 4

Step 4: Generate Code


Click on the Resource Management [MCC] tab on the top left pane. Click Generate button in the Project Resources tab.



As code is generated, the MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) displays the progress as shown.



Examine the generated code.


MCC will include all the MPLAB Harmony library files and generate the code based on the MCC selections. The generated code would add files and folders to your Harmony project as shown.

Among the generated code, notice the Peripheral Library (PLIB) files generated for Two-Wire Interfaces 0 (TWIHS0) (I²C), Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 1 (USART1) and PORT peripherals. Also, notice the generated files for USART, I²C Drivers synchronous drivers and the necessary files for selected RTOS (FreeRTOS).

MCC also generates the template main file (main_e70.c), the application thread files (app_eeprom_thread.c, app_sensor_thread.c and app_user_input_thread.c) for the EEPROM, sensor and user input threads.


Navigate to the Projects tab to view the project tree structure.


Build the code by clicking on the Clean and Build button and verify that the project builds successfully. At this point, you are ready to start implementing your application code.


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