Update and Configure an Existing MHC-based MPLAB® Harmony v3 Project to MCC-based Project: Step 1

Step 1.1: Open MPLAB® Harmony v3 Project on MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE)


Download the pre-developed project to your computer. The ZIP file contains the MHC project which will be updated and configured using the MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC).

See the following figure for steps to download the project ZIP file.


Go to the path where the MHC project is downloaded by clicking the Show Folder and extract the getting_started_ext.zip project.



Launch MPLAB X IDE from the Windows® Start Menu. Close any projects and files that are currently open.


Go to Files > Open Project.


You will get a Open Project pop-up window. Select the project pic32mz_ef_curiosity_v2.X from the project download path.



Right click on the getting_started_ext_pic32mz_ef_curiosity_v2 project and select Set as Main Project.


Step 1.2: Migrate to MCC project


Before proceeding further, make sure the Harmony Content Path is set properly. Harmony Content Path is where you have downloaded the Harmony repositories.
On MPLAB X IDE, go to Tools > Options. After opening the Options window, go to Plugins and set the proper Harmony Content Path.



Go to Tools > MPLAB® Code Configurator v4: Open/Close.


Or click on the MCC icon



Import the MHC project to MCC by clicking the Yes button on the pop-up window.


Note: Click on the Yes button if MCC requests to select the available DFP version.



MCC starts loading the existing MHC configuration database. Wait for this step to complete.


Note: Harmony Library loads existing MHC project configurations, i.e., System, I2C1, TMR1, UART6, and DMAC PLIB databases. Wait for all the configurations to load.


After successful loading, MCC opens the Project Graph, Resource Management, and Configuration Options windows.


Step 1.3: Verify the Clock Settings


Launch the Clock Diagram by going to Clock Configuration under the Plugins: drop-down option in the Project Graph of MCC.


A new window, Clock Diagram, is opened in the project’s main window.


Click on the Clock Diagram tab, scroll to the right and verify that the SYSCLK is set to 200 MHz.


Tool Tip: Double click on the Clock Diagram tab to maximize the window.

Next Step >

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