Getting Started with USB on SAM MCUs Using MPLAB® Harmony v3: Step 3
Step 3.1 - Configure Clocks
Step 3.2 - Configure Pins
The LED on the I/O1 Xplained Pro is connected to pin PA0.
- Set the function to GPIO.
- Name this pin as "LED".
- Set the direction to Out.
- Set the latch to High.
TWIHS pins, PA3 and PA4, need to be set to the correct function.
- For PA3, set function to TWIHS0_TWD0.
- For PA4, set function to TWIHS0_TWCK0.
Figure 5: LED and TWIHS Pin Config
The LED on the SAM E70 Xplained is connected to pin PC8.
Figure 6: SAM E70 Xplained User LED Schematic
- Set the function to GPIO.
- Name this pin as "USB_LED".
- Set the direction to Out.
- Set the latch to High.
Figure 7: User LED Config
Note: The LEDs on the SAM E70 Xplained and the I/O1 Xplained Pro are active low, so, they are turned off by default by configuring the latch value to logic High.
Step 3.3 - Add and Configure Application Tasks
Go to the Project Graph and click on the Core module.
Under Configuration Options, you will find that MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) automatically generates a default application named app. Set the Number of Applications spinbox to 3 and configure each of them as follows:
- Expand Application 0 Configuration and rename the default application name to "app_sensor".
- Expand Application 1 Configuration and rename the default application name to "app_eeprom".
- Expand Application 2 Configuration and rename the default application name to "app_usb".
Figure 8: Configure Application Tasks