ADC Driver Library Interface for Harmony v2

Detailed descriptions for this library can be found in the MPLAB® Harmony Documentation.

System Interaction Functions

Function Name Description
DRV_ADC_Deinitialize Deinitializes the specified instance of the ADC driver module.
Implementation: Static/Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_Initialize Initializes the ADC driver.
Implementation: Static/Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_Status Provides the current status of the ADC driver module.
Implementation: Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_Tasks Maintains the driver's state machine and implements its ISR.
Implementation: Dynamic.

Client Core Configuration Functions

Function Name Description
DRV_ADC_ClientStatus Gets the current client-specific status from the ADC driver.
Implementation: Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_Close Closes an opened-instance of the ADC driver.
Implementation: Static/Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_InputsRegister Registers an input set with the driver for sampling.
Implementation: Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_Open Opens the specified ADC driver instance and returns a handle to it.
Implementation: Static/Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_SamplesAvailable Identifies if any the ADC driver has any samples available to read.
Implementation: Static/Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_Start Starts the ADC driver sampling and converting analog values to digital.
Implementation: Static/Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_Stop Stops the ADC driver from sampling and converting analog values to digital.
Implementation: Static/Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_ChannelExtendedScanInputsAdd Adds extended scan input on the supported devices.
Implementation: Static.
DRV_ADC_ChannelExtendedScanInputsRemove Removes extended scan input on the supported devices.
Implementation: Static.
DRV_ADC_ChannelScanInputsAdd Adds scan input.
Implementation: Static.
DRV_ADC_ChannelScanInputsRemove Removes scan input.
Implementation: Static.
DRV_ADC_NegativeInputSelect Selects the negative input.
Implementation: Static.
DRV_ADC_PositiveInputSelect Selects the positive input.
Implementation: Static.

Other Functions

Function Name Description
DRV_ADC_SamplesRead Reads the converted sample data from the ADC driver.
Implementation: Static/Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_SamplesReadLatest Reads the most recently converted sample data from the ADC driver.
Implementation: Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_VersionGet Gets the ADC driver version in numerical format.
Implementation: Dynamic.
DRV_ADC_VersionStrGet Gets the ADC driver version in string format.
Implementation: Dynamic.

Data Types and Constants

Name Description
DRV_ADC_CLIENT_STATUS Defines the client-specific status of the ADC driver.
DRV_ADC_INIT Defines the data required to initialize or reinitialize the ADC driver.
DRV_ADC_INIT_FLAGS Identifies the initialization flags of the ADC module.
DRV_ADC_INDEX_0 ADC driver index definitions.
DRV_ADC_INDEX_1 This is macro DRV_ADC_INDEX_1.
DRV_ADC_INDEX_2 This is macro DRV_ADC_INDEX_2.
DRV_ADC_BUFFER_HANDLE This type defines the ADC Driver Buffer handle.
DRV_ADC_BUFFER_STATUS Specifies the status of the buffer for the read, write and erase operations.
DRV_ADC_EVENT Identifies the possible events that can result from a request.
DRV_ADC_EVENT_HANDLER Pointer to a ADC Driver Event handler function.
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