Timer Driver Library Interface for MPLAB® Harmony v2
Detailed descriptions for this library can be found on MPLAB® Harmony v2 Help and Documentation ( found in the <harmony install directory>/doc folder).
Static Timer Driver Functions
Static driver functions are configured and generated by the MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC).
Function Name | Description |
DRV_TMRx_Initialize() | Initializes the timer |
DRV_TMRx_Start() | Starts the specified timer |
DRV_TMRx_Stop() | Stops the specified timer |
DRV_TMRx_CounterClear() | Clears the timer value |
DRV_TMRx_CounterValueSet(VALUE) | Sets the timer value |
DRV_TMRx_CounterValueGet() | Reads the timer's current value |
Dynamic Timer Driver Functions
Function Name | Description |
DRV_TMR_Deinitialize | Deinitializes the specified instance of the Timer driver |
DRV_TMR_Initialize | Initializes the timer |
DRV_TMR_Status | Provides the current status of the timer |
DRV_TMR_Tasks | Maintains the driver's state machine |
DRV_TMR_ClockSet | Sets the timers clock by selecting the source and prescaler |
DRV_TMR_GateModeSet | Enables Gate Mode |
DRV_TMR_ClientStatus | Gets the status of the client operation |
DRV_TMR_Close | Closes an opened instance of the Timer driver |
DRV_TMR_Open | Opens the specified Timer driver instance and returns a handle to it |
DRV_TMR_Start | Starts the timer running |
DRV_TMR_Stop | Stops the timer |
DRV_TMR_AlarmPeriodGet | Provides the timer period value |
DRV_TMR_AlarmPeriodSet | Sets the timer period |
DRV_TMR_AlarmDisable | Prevents a registered alarm from occurring |
DRV_TMR_AlarmEnable | Enables alarms |
DRV_TMR_AlarmRegister | Causes a function to be called by the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) |
DRV_TMR_AlarmDeregister | Deregisters an alarm |
DRV_TMR_CounterFrequencyGet | Provides the timers input frequency |
DRV_TMR_CounterValueGet | Provides the current value of the timer |
DRV_TMR_CounterValueSet | Reads the Timer's counter register |
DRV_TMR_VersionGet | Gets the Timer driver version in numerical format |
DRV_TMR_VersionStrGet | Gets the Timer driver version in string format |
DRV_TMR_GateModeClear | Enables the Gate mode |
DRV_TMR_PrescalerGet | This function gets the currently selected prescaler |
DRV_TMR_OperationModeGet | This function gets the currently selected operation mode |
DRV_TMR_DividerRangeGet | Returns the divider range |
DRV_TMR_Tasks_ISR | Maintains the driver's state machine, processes the events and implements its ISR |