USART Driver Library Interface for Harmony v2

Detailed descriptions for this library can be found in the MPLAB® Harmony Documentation.

System Functions

Function Name Description
DRV_USART_Initialize Initializes the USART instance for the specified driver index.
Implementation: static/dynamic.
DRV_USART_Deinitialize Deinitializes the specified instance of the USART driver module.
Implementation: static/dynamic.
DRV_USART_Status Gets the current status of the USART driver module.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_TasksReceive Maintains the driver's receive state machine and implements its Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_TasksTransmit Maintains the driver's transmit state machine and implements its ISR.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_TasksError Maintains the driver's error state machine and implements its ISR.
Implementation: dynamic.

Core Client Functions

Function Name Description
DRV_USART_Open Opens the specified USART driver instance and returns a handle to it.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_Close Closes an opened-instance of the USART driver.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_ClientStatus Gets the current client-specific status the USART driver.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_ErrorGet This function returns the error (if any) associated with the last client request.
Implementation: dynamic.

Communication Management Client Functions

Function Name Description
DRV_USART_BaudSet This function changes the USART module baud to the specified value.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_LineControlSet This function changes the USART module line control to the specified value.
Implementation: dynamic.

Buffer Queue Read/Write Client Functions

Function Name Description
DRV_USART_BufferAddRead Schedules a non-blocking driver read operation.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_BufferAddWrite Schedules a non-blocking driver write operation.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_BufferEventHandlerSet Allows a client to identify a buffer event handling function for the driver to call back when queued buffer transfers have finished.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_BufferProcessedSizeGet This function returns the number of bytes that have been processed for the specified buffer.
Implementation: dynamic.

File I/O Type Read/Write Functions

Function Name Description
DRV_USART_Read Reads data from the USART.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_Write Writes data to the USART.
Implementation: dynamic.

Byte Transfer Functions

Function Name Description
DRV_USART_ReadByte Reads a byte of data from the USART.
Implementation: static/dynamic.
DRV_USART_WriteByte Writes a byte of data to the USART.
Implementation: static/dynamic.
DRV_USART_TransmitBufferSizeGet Returns the size of the transmit buffer.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_ReceiverBufferSizeGet Returns the size of the receive buffer.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_TransferStatus Returns the transmitter and receiver transfer status.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_TransmitBufferIsFull Provides the status of the driver's transmit buffer.
Implementation: dynamic.
DRV_USART_ReceiverBufferIsEmpty Provides the status of the driver's receive buffer.
Implementation: static/dynamic.

Data Types and Constants

Name Description
DRV_USART_CLIENT_STATUS Defines the client-specific status of the USART driver.
DRV_USART_INIT Defines the data required to initialize or reinitialize the USART driver.
DRV_USART_INIT_FLAGS Flags identifying features that can be enabled when the driver is initialized.
DRV_USART_TRANSFER_STATUS Specifies the status of the receive or transmit.
DRV_USART_INDEX_0 USART driver index definitions.
DRV_USART_BAUD_SET_RESULT Identifies the handshaking modes supported by the USART driver.
DRV_USART_BUFFER_EVENT Identifies the possible events that can result from a buffer add request.
DRV_USART_BUFFER_EVENT_HANDLER Points to a USART driver Buffer Event handler function.
DRV_USART_BUFFER_HANDLE Handles identifying a read or write buffer passed to the driver.
DRV_USART_ERROR Defines the possible errors that can occur during driver operation.
DRV_USART_LINE_CONTROL_SET_RESULT Identifies the results of the baud set function.
DRV_USART_OPERATION_MODE_DATA Defines the initialization data required for different operation modes of USART.
DRV_USART_BUFFER_HANDLE_INVALID Definition of an invalid buffer handle.
DRV_USART_COUNT Number of valid USART drivers.
DRV_USART_LINE_CONTROL Identifies the line control modes supported by the USART driver.
DRV_USART_OPERATION_MODE Identifies the modes of the operation of the USART module.
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