The following links contain a downloadable, fully functional example project. Detailed instructions on how the project was created are also provided.
ADC Project Using chipKIT® WF32®
This example project uses the ADC in the PIC32 to convert an analog voltage to digital and to display the magnitude of the result on the four LEDs found on the Digilent chipKIT WF32 development board.
The MPLAB® Harmony ADC Driver and Peripheral Libraries are used to achieve this. You will use the MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC) to configure the ADC Driver to generate an interrupt, after acquiring and converting 16 samples. The interrupt service routine calls a function to read and average the results from the ADC results buffer. It also sets the dataReady flag, indicating it's time to update the LEDs with the new ADC result.
ADC Project Using chipKIT Wi-FIRE®
This example project uses the ADC in the PIC32 to convert an analog voltage to digital and to display the magnitude of the result on the four LEDs found on the Digilent chipKIT Wi-FIRE development board.
The MPLAB Harmony ADC Driver and Peripheral Libraries are used to achieve this. You will use the MHC to configure the ADC Driver to generate an interrupt, after acquiring a sample. The interrupt service routine reads the result from the ADC results buffer. It also sets the dataReady flag, indicating it's time to update the LEDs with the new ADC result.