Live PhotoFrame Tutorial: Step 8

Step 8.1 - Adding application files

The modified application files app.c and app.h are developed for this lab. Copy these files from the dev_files folder of this lab at
apps\training\middleware\live_photoframe\live_photoframe_lab\dev_files and place them in apps\training\middleware\dev\live_photoframe\live_photoframe_lab\firmware\src. These files will replace the original app.c and app.h.

Step 8.2 - Modifying system_config.h

You need to add application specific definitions in the system_config.h file.
Open system_config.h and add the following code in the Application Configuration section:

Step 8.3 - Configuring the Application Switch

In this application, you need a button-press event to trigger a photo-capture. To achieve this, you have to configure a Change Notification for the S1 switch on the MEBII board, which is connected to GPIO:RA0. Change the handler code of the Change Notification which is present in system_interrupts.c.


Enabling Change Notification for the Switch.

In MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC), navigate to Pin Settings and enable the change notification for the switch as shown in the graphic.



Modifying the Interrupt Handler for Change Notification of Port A in system_interrupts.c

Step 8.4 - Replacing the Camera driver in the Harmony Framework

This step is needed to work around an issue related to Harmony version 2.01b The Camera driver file drv_camera_ovm7690.c needs to be replaced.

The Camera driver in the MPLAB Harmony v2.01b does not support the dynamic implementation of the timer driver. However, the TCP/IP stack (which is required for this lab) requires a timer of dynamic driver implementation. To accommodate this, the Camera driver has been modified.

Replace the existing Harmony Camera driver file drv_camera_ovm7690.c.

Copy the drv_camera_ovm7690.c file from this folder:
to this one: framework/driver/camera/ovm7690/src/
Make sure you make a backup of the existing drv_camera_ovm7690.c


Step 8.5 - Adding the header file for the I²C driver in the Static Buffer Model

This step is needed to work around an issue related to the legacy Camera driver implementation.

The current versions of MPLAB Harmony support the I²C driver in the Static Buffer Model. However, the Camera driver implementation uses the Static Byte Model.
To overcome this, you must place a header file to avoid compilation issues for the project.
Copy the drv_i2c_static_buffer_model.h file from this folder:
to this one:
This will overcome the compilation error.


Next Step >

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