MPLAB® Harmony v2 Configurator (MHC) Installation

The MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) graphical user interface extends the functionality of MPLAB X IDE. Before using MHC, you need to install it.


Open the Plugins Window

In MPLAB X IDE, open the Plugins window by selecting from the main menu: Tools > Plugins.

Click image to enlarge.


Select the MHC Plugin

  • Click on the Downloaded tab.
  • Click the Add Plugins… button.
  • Browse to the utilities/mhc folder in the Harmony install directory.
    • default is C:/Microchip/harmony/<version number>
  • Select the .nbm file and click the Open button.
Click image to enlarge.

You must use the MHC plugin version bundled with the specific version of Harmony you are using. Do not assume the latest MHC plugin version (found by selecting the Available Plugins tab) will be compatible with your Harmony version.

If you are using multiple versions of Harmony on one computer, you will have to replace (uninstall and reinstall) one MHC version with another. Another alternative is to install different MPLAB X IDE versions on the same computer and install a different MHC plugin version in each IDE.


Install MHC Plugin

  • Click Next >.
  • Check the box to accept the terms.
  • Click Install.
Click image to enlarge.


Restart the MPLAB X IDE to Complete the Plugin Installation

  • Select Restart Now.
  • Click Finish.
Click image to enlarge.

You can verify the plugin installed successfully by verifying if the MPLAB Harmony Configurator option is shown in the Tools > Embedded list.

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