MPLAB® Harmony v2 Configurator (MHC) Overview

The MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) makes it much easier to use the Harmony framework. This Graphical User Interface (GUI) is an MPLAB X IDE plugin that extends the functionality of the IDE. It takes care of the overhead and overall structure of Harmony-based projects, allowing you to focus on generating the code for your specific application.

MHC also includes the MPLAB Harmony Graphics Composer (MHGC). This GUI tool allows you to easily configure and visually design your graphics using the Harmony Graphics Library.

MHC performs the following tasks for you:

  • Adds the Harmony source files needed for your project.
  • Generates some Harmony framework source files (based on your MHC selections).
  • Generates starter Harmony application source files:
    • Creates a starter state machine for your application.
    • Adds minimum functions required for a Harmony project.
    • #includes all source files needed.
  • Generates starter Harmony system source files:
    • Initializes the PIC32 (based on your MHC selections for core, clock, and peripherals).
    • Initializes Harmony drivers (based on your MHC selections).
    • Creates stub functions for interrupt service routines.
  • Saves your current MHC selections so they can be imported into another project.
Click on the video title to watch this video on YouTube.

MHC User Interface:

1) Open the MPLAB Harmony Configurator by clicking:

Tools > Embedded > MPLAB Harmony Configurator.

If you don't see the MPLAB Harmony Configurator tool, install MHC.

Click image to enlarge.

2) MPLAB Harmony Framework Options

Configure the Harmony Framework through dropdown selections provided in a menu format.


3) Clock Configurator

Graphically configure the PIC32 oscillator module through dropdown selections.


4) Graphical Pin Manager

Graphically configure the PIC32 pins:

  • Analog vs digital.
  • Inputs vs outputs.
  • Pin functionality using Peripheral Pin Select (PPS).

MHC default values are determined by the MHC configuration files (e.g., tcpip_stack.hconfig). These can be found in the folders at this location:
<harmony install path>/framework/<module>/config

However, if you choose to use a specific Board Support Package (BSP), the corresponding BSP HCONFIG file will be used instead. Please search "HCONFIG " in the Harmony Help file for more information.

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