MPLAB® Harmony v2 Configurator (MHC) Tutorial Videos

The following series of videos demonstrate how the MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) can be used to configure and generate code required for your application.

Click on the video titles to watch the videos on YouTube.

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Create an MPLAB® Harmony Project (Part 1 of 8)

The MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC) plugin must first be installed into the MPLAB X IDE before creating an MPLAB Harmony Project. Click here for instructions on how to do this.

This video shows you how to create an MPLAB® Harmony Project in the MPLAB X IDE. For details on how an MPLAB Harmony Project differs from a typical standalone project, click here.

Use MHC to Configure USART Code (Part 2 of 8)

This video shows you how to configure the USART driver for a specific serial port data channel (baud rate and line control). We also show you how MHC's interactive help window automatically displays help for the specific options being configured.

Tour of Files Generated by MHC (Part 3 of 8)

This video shows you the most important source files (app.c, main.c, system_tasks.c, system_init.c) that are generated by MHC. It also shows you how these source files are structured and how they work together to implement the Harmony Framework.

Use MHC to Configure TCP/IP Code (Part 4 of 8)

This video shows you how to use MHC to add Microchip's TCP/IP stack to your project. We also show you some of the TCP/IP initialization code generated by MHC.

Use MHC to Configure PIC32 Clocks and Pins (Part 5 of 8)

MHC provides a graphical way to configure the PIC32 clocks and pins. These GUIs are demonstrated in this video.

Use MHC to Configure CAN Code (Part 6 of 8)

This video shows you how to use MHC to automatically generate the baud rate parameters required for your CAN interface.

Use a Board Support Package with MHC (Part 7 of 8)

Microchip provides many different development boards that enable you to prototype a system similar to the one you are looking to design. Harmony provides Board Support Packages (BSP) for these boards to enable you to generate code to run on specific development boards.

Using Third Party Libraries and an RTOS with MHC (Part 8 of 8)

This video shows you how MHC can be used to configure Harmony Framework software provided by third parties (InterNiche TCP/IP and multiple RTOS solutions). We also demonstrate how MHC detects and notifies you of conflicts between different modules and how you can resolve those conflicts. Finally, we show you how the Harmony code generated for use with an RTOS differs from non-RTOS code.

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