The MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Composer (MHGC) suite is a free, modular graphics stack and tools suite for use with Microchip PIC32 microcontrollers. The MHGC suite provides an easy to use GUI that works within the MPLAB X IDE. This is tightly coupled with MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC), code development, and other integrated debug features. The tools provide a simplified interface to create graphics content, target specific processor/display and touch interface hardware, and generate code. In most cases, no additional programming to support graphics is required at all.
Two different graphics libraries come with the MPLAB Harmony download:
- Microchip's Aria User Interface Library
- Configured using MHC
- Display graphics created using the Graphics Composer (part of MHC)
- SEGGER's emWIN Graphics Library
- Configured using MHC
- Display graphics created using emWIN GUIBuilder (executable found under the Harmony install path>/utilities folder)
MPLAB Harmony includes many demonstration projects for both libraries. For more information, see Applications Help > Graphics Demonstrations in the Harmony Help file.
The Graphics Library features:
- 24-bit color (32-bit with alpha channel) and multi-layer support
- Display Manager GUI for automatic generation of display drivers
- Graphics Composer GUI to design your display
- Aria Graphics Library
- Nano2D driver support for Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
- Multiple modern widgets with support for touch gestures
- Multi-lingual font package
- Run-time graphic widget motion
- Run-Length Encoding (RLE) image compression
If you need a custom display driver, MHC's Display Manager GUI will help you create one without writing a single line of code. Enter the display datasheet specs into the GUI and your custom driver will be created and added to your project by MHC when you click the Generate Code button.