Create a New MPLAB® Harmony v2 Project


Install the MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC)

Before you create a new MPLAB® Harmony project, you must install the MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC) graphical user interface. This GUI enables easy addition and configuration of the Harmony library files needed for your application. It also allows MPLAB X IDE to create a new MPLAB Harmony project.

Instructions for installing the MHC plugin


Create a New MPLAB Harmony Project

  1. In the MPLAB X IDE, select File > New Project
    (or click Main_New_Project.png in the toolbar).
  2. Select the Microchip Embedded category if it is not already selected.
  3. From the Projects list, select MPLAB Harmony Project.
  4. Click Next >.

If you do not see MPLAB Harmony Project option, you have not installed the MHC. Click here for instructions on installing the MHC plugin.


The next window should have the default Harmony Path, Project Location, and Project Path already selected for you. Remember the MPLAB Harmony framework expects to find specific files in specific locations. Do not change these default paths because the project may not build.

  1. Set the Harmony installation path.
  2. Set the project location.
  3. Enter the project name you would like to use.
  4. Change the project configuration name or just use default (optional).
  5. Select the target device from the drop-down window (Which PIC32 is on my board?).
  6. Click Finish.

After you click Finish, your new project will be opened.

MPLAB® Harmony Project Wizard Details
Learn more >

Before creating an MPLAB Harmony Project, the MHC plugin must be installed into the MPLAB X IDE. Click here for instructions on how to install the MHC plugin.

This video will show you how to create an MPLAB Harmony Project in the MPLAB X IDE. For details on how an MPLAB Harmony Project differs from a typical standalone project, click here.

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