MPLAB® Harmony v2 Middleware Overview

Middleware Libraries

The normal usage models of some of the more complex peripherals (e.g., USB or network interfaces) require interpreting complex protocols or may require substantial additional processing to produce useable results, such as drawing graphical images on an LCD screen with an LCD controller peripheral. Therefore, while a device driver may be completely sufficient for a simple peripheral like a UART, some peripherals require what is frequently called middleware (aptly named because it sits between your application and the hardware abstraction_layer or driver_layer). MPLAB® Harmony provides several middleware library stacks to manage these more complex peripherals and provide the functionality you need and expect.

MPLAB Harmony middleware stacks are usually built upon device drivers and system services so that they can be supported on any Microchip microcontroller for which the required driver or service is supported. However, special-purpose implementations may be available that integrate the driver, certain services, and various modules within the stack for efficiency.

Click on the links below to get more details on each Middleware Library

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