
WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems is a safety systems company that produces and supplies real time operating systems and platform solutions to the Medical, Aerospace, Transportation, Defence and Industrial sectors, increasing application development efficiency whilst reducing risk through third party certification.

OPENRTOS provides the only available commercial license for FreeRTOS, the highly successful, small, efficient embedded real-time operating system. Our unique approach provides the ultimate flexibility for professional software development.

Developed for release under a modified GPL license, FreeRTOS is completely free to download. Updates and ports are simultaneously released by WITTENSTEIN as OPENRTOS with full commercial support and licensing.

Benefits of OpenRTOS Licensing:

Commercial licensing releases users from the obligation to publish their use of FreeRTOS and provides standard commercial protections and support.

  • Removes the FreeRTOS modified GPL conditions
  • Commercial indemnification
  • Confidentiality
  • Professional support

The OPENRTOS real time operating system has the following characteristics:

  • Pre-emptive scheduling option
  • Co-operative scheduling option
  • Any number of tasks can be created- system RAM constraints are the limiting factor
  • Each task is assigned a priority - any number of priorities can be used
  • Any number of tasks can share the same priority
  • Supports time sliced round robin scheduling for tasks of equal priority
  • Queues can be used to send data between tasks, and to send data between tasks and interrupt service routines
  • Binary semaphores and counting semaphores make use of the queue primitive - ensuring code size is kept to a minimum
  • Tasks can be blocked for a fixed period
  • Tasks can block to wait for a specified time
  • Tasks can block with a specified timeout period to wait for events

For more information, please refer to the OPENRTOS documentation, which is available at:

Note: This software is licensed for distribution with a single product. For additional information, contact

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