Interrupt Peripheral Library Interface

Note: Detailed descriptions for this library are available in the MPLAB® Harmony Documentation (found in the <harmony install directory>/doc folder).

General Configuration Functions

Name Description
PLIB_INT_AlternateVectorTableSelect Enables the use of the alternate vector table
PLIB_INT_Disable Disables the generation of interrupts to the CPU
PLIB_INT_DISIStatusGet Returns the status of the DISI instruction status
PLIB_INT_Enable Enables the generation of interrupts to the CPU
PLIB_INT_ExternalFallingEdgeSelect Selects the falling edge as the edge polarity of the external interrupt
PLIB_INT_ExternalRisingEdgeSelect Selects the rising edge as the edge polarity of the external interrupt
PLIB_INT_IsEnabled Identifies if interrupts are currently enabled or disabled at the top level
PLIB_INT_MultiVectorSelect Configures the Interrupt Controller for Multiple Vector mode
PLIB_INT_NestingDisable Disables interrupt nesting
PLIB_INT_NestingEnable Enables interrupt nesting
PLIB_INT_PeripheralsDisable Disables the generation of interrupts to the CPU by the peripherals
PLIB_INT_PeripheralsEnable Enables the generation of interrupts to the CPU by the peripherals
PLIB_INT_PriorityDisable Disables interrupt priority levels
PLIB_INT_PriorityEnable Enables interrupt priority levels
PLIB_INT_PriorityGet Returns the priority level of the latest interrupt presented to the CPU
PLIB_INT_PriorityHighDisable Disables the generation of high-priority interrupts to the CPU
PLIB_INT_PriorityHighEnable Enables the generation of high-priority interrupts to the CPU
PLIB_INT_PriorityLowDisable Disables the generation of low-priority interrupts to the CPU
PLIB_INT_PriorityLowEnable Enables generation of low-priority interrupts to the CPU
PLIB_INT_ProximityTimerDisable Disables the interrupt temporal-proximity timer
PLIB_INT_ProximityTimerEnable Enables the interrupt temporal-proximity timer and selects the priority levels that start the timer
PLIB_INT_SingleVectorSelect Configures the Interrupt Controller for Single Vector mode
PLIB_INT_SingleVectorShadowSetDisable Disables the Shadow Register Set in Single Vector mode
PLIB_INT_SingleVectorShadowSetEnable Enables the Shadow Register Set in Single Vector mode
PLIB_INT_StandardVectorTableSelect Enables the use of the standard vector table
PLIB_INT_SetState Restores the status of CPU interrupts based on the value passed into the function
PLIB_INT_ShadowRegisterAssign Assigns a shadow register set for an interrupt priority level
PLIB_INT_VariableVectorOffsetSet Sets the offset specific to an interrupt source number

Interrupt Source Control Functions

Name Description
PLIB_INT_SourceDisable Disables the interrupt source
PLIB_INT_SourceEnable Enables the interrupt source. This section provides information on initialization and interrupt source setup and handling.
PLIB_INT_SourceFlagClear Clears the status of the interrupt flag for the selected source
PLIB_INT_SourceFlagGet Returns the status of the interrupt flag for the selected source
PLIB_INT_SourceFlagSet Sets the status of the interrupt flag for the selected source
PLIB_INT_SourceIsEnabled Gets the enable state of the interrupt source
PLIB_INT_VectorPriorityGet Gets the priority of the interrupt vector
PLIB_INT_VectorPrioritySet Sets the priority of the interrupt vector
PLIB_INT_VectorSubPriorityGet Gets the sub-priority of the interrupt vector
PLIB_INT_VectorSubPrioritySet Sets the sub-priority of the interrupt vector

Other Status and Control Functions

Name Description
PLIB_INT_CPUCurrentPriorityLevelGet Gets the interrupt priority level at which the CPU is currently operating
PLIB_INT_ProximityTimerGet Returns the value used by the temporal proximity timer as a reload value when the temporal proximity timer is triggered by an interrupt event
PLIB_INT_ProximityTimerSet Sets the temporal proximity timer reload value. This value is used to reload the proximity timer after it has been triggered by an interrupt event
PLIB_INT_TrapSourceFlagClear Clears the flag for the selected trap
PLIB_INT_TrapSourceFlagGet Returns the status of the flag for the selected trap
PLIB_INT_VectorGet Returns the interrupt vector that is presented to the CPU
PLIB_INT_GetStateAndDisable Disables the generation of interrupts to the CPU
PLIB_INT_ShadowRegisterGet Gets the shadow register set assigned for an interrupt priority level
PLIB_INT_VariableVectorOffsetGet Gets the offset specific to an interrupt source number

Feature Existence Functions

Name Description
PLIB_INT_ExistsAlternateVectorTable Identifies whether the AlternateVectorTable feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsCPUCurrentPriorityLevel Identifies whether the CPUCurrentPriorityLevel feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsEnableControl Identifies whether the EnableControl feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsExternalINTEdgeSelect Identifies whether the ExternalINTEdgeSelect feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsHighPriority Identifies whether the HighPriority feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsINTCPUPriority Identifies whether the INTCPUPriority feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsINTCPUVector Identifies whether the INTCPUVector feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsINTNesting Identifies whether the INTNesting feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsLowPriority Identifies whether the LowPriority feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsPeripheralControl Identifies whether the PeripheralControl feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsPriority Identifies whether the Priority feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsProximityTimerControl Identifies whether the ProximityTimerControl feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsProximityTimerEnable Identifies whether the ProximityTimerEnable feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsSingleVectorShadowSet Identifies whether the SingleVectorShadowSet feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsSourceControl Identifies whether the SourceControl feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsSourceFlag Identifies whether the SourceFlag feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsTrapSource Identifies whether the TrapSource feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsVectorPriority Identifies whether the VectorPriority feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsVectorSelect Identifies whether the VectorSelect feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsShadowRegisterAssign Identifies whether the ShadowRegisterAssign feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsVariableOffset Identifies whether the VariableOffset feature exists on the INT module
PLIB_INT_ExistsVectorBaseAddressSet Identifies whether the VectorBaseAddressSet feature exists on the INT module

Data Types and Constants

Name Description
INT_EXTERNAL_SOURCES Lists the possible external sources that can cause an interrupt to occur.
INT_PRIORITY_LEVEL Lists the possible interrupt priority levels.
INT_SOURCE Lists the possible sources that can cause an interrupt to occur.
INT_SUBPRIORITY_LEVEL Lists the possible interrupt sub priority levels.
INT_TRAP_SOURCE Lists the names of the trap or exception sources.
INT_VECTOR Lists the possible interrupt vectors.
INT_STATE_GLOBAL Data type defining the global interrupt state.
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