Ports Peripheral Library Interface for Harmony v2

Detailed descriptions for this library can be found on MPLAB® Harmony v2 Help and Documentation.
( found in the <harmony install directory>/doc folder)

Port Pin Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_PORTS_PinClear Clears the selected digital pin/latch
PLIB_PORTS_PinDirectionInputSet Makes the selected pin direction input
PLIB_PORTS_PinDirectionOutputSet Makes the selected pin direction output
PLIB_PORTS_PinGet Reads/Gets data from the selected digital pin
PLIB_PORTS_PinModeSelect Enables the selected pin as analog or digital
PLIB_PORTS_PinSet Sets the selected digital pin/latch
PLIB_PORTS_PinToggle Toggles the selected digital pin/latch
PLIB_PORTS_PinWrite Writes the selected digital pin/latch
PLIB_PORTS_PinModePerPortSelect Enables the selected port pin as analog or digital
PLIB_PORTS_PinGetLatched Reads/Gets data from the selected latch

Port Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_PORTS_Clear Clears the selected digital port/latch bits
PLIB_PORTS_DirectionGet Reads the direction of the selected digital port
PLIB_PORTS_DirectionInputSet Makes the selected pins direction input
PLIB_PORTS_DirectionOutputSet Makes the selected pins direction output
PLIB_PORTS_PinOpenDrainDisable Disables the open drain functionality for the selected pin
PLIB_PORTS_PinOpenDrainEnable Enables the open drain functionality for the selected pin
PLIB_PORTS_Read Reads the selected digital port
PLIB_PORTS_Set Sets the selected bits of the port
PLIB_PORTS_Toggle Toggles the selected digital port/latch
PLIB_PORTS_Write Writes the selected digital port/latch
PLIB_PORTS_OpenDrainDisable Disables the open drain functionality for the selected port
PLIB_PORTS_OpenDrainEnable Enables the open drain functionality for the selected port pins
PLIB_PORTS_ReadLatched Reads/Gets data from the selected Latch
PLIB_PORTS_ChannelModeSelect Enables the selected channel pins as analog or digital

Peripheral Pin Select Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_PORTS_RemapInput Input function remapping
PLIB_PORTS_RemapOutput Output function remapping

Change Notification Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticeDisable Global Change Notice disable
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticeEnable Global Change Notice enable
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticeInIdleDisable CPU Idle halts the Change Notice operation
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticeInIdleEnable CPU Idle mode does not affect Change Notice operation
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticeInIdlePerPortDisable Change Notification halts in Idle mode for selected channel
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticeInIdlePerPortEnable Allows CN to be working in Idle mode for selected channel
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePerPortHasOccured checks the status of change on the pin
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePerPortTurnOff Disables the change notification for selected port
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePerPortTurnOn Enables the change notification for selected port
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePullDownPerPortDisable Disables the pull down for selected change notice pins
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePullDownPerPortEnable Enables the pull down for selected change notice pins
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePullUpDisable Disable pull-up on input change
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePullUpEnable Enable pull-up on input change
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePullUpPerPortDisable Disables weak pull-up for the selected pin
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePullUpPerPortEnable Enables the pull up for selected change notice pins
PLIB_PORTS_PinChangeNoticeDisable Port pin Change Notice disable
PLIB_PORTS_PinChangeNoticeEnable Port pin Change Notice interrupt enable
PLIB_PORTS_PinChangeNoticePerPortDisable Disables CN interrupt for the selected pin
PLIB_PORTS_PinChangeNoticePerPortEnable Enables CN interrupt for the selected pin
PLIB_PORTS_ChangeNoticePerPortHasOccurred checks the status of change on the pin
PLIB_PORTS_ChannelChangeNoticeDisable Disables CN interrupt for the selected pins of a channel
PLIB_PORTS_ChannelChangeNoticeEnable Enables CN interrupt for the selected pins of a channel
PLIB_PORTS_ChannelChangeNoticePullDownDisable Disables change notice pull-Down for the selected channel pins
PLIB_PORTS_ChannelChangeNoticePullDownEnable Enables change notice pull-Down for the selected channel pins
PLIB_PORTS_ChannelChangeNoticePullUpDisable Disables change notice pull-up for the selected channel pins
PLIB_PORTS_ChannelChangeNoticePullUpEnable Enables change notice pull-up for the selected channel pins
PLIB_PORTS_AnPinsModeSelect Enables the selected AN pins as analog or digital
PLIB_PORTS_CnPinsDisable Disables CN interrupt for the selected pins of a channel
PLIB_PORTS_CnPinsEnable Enables CN interrupt for the selected pins of a channel
PLIB_PORTS_CnPinsPullUpDisable Disables change notice pull-up for the selected channel pins
PLIB_PORTS_CnPinsPullUpEnable Enables change notice pull-up for the selected channel pins

Feature Existence Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsChangeNotice Identifies whether the ChangeNotice feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsChangeNoticeInIdle Identifies whether the ChangeNoticeInIdle feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsChangeNoticePerPortInIdle Identifies whether the ChangeNoticeInIdlePerPort feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsChangeNoticePerPortStatus Identifies whether the ChangeNoticePerPortStatus feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsChangeNoticePerPortTurnOn Identifies whether the ChangeNoticePerPortTurnOn feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsChangeNoticePullDownPerPort Identifies whether the ChangeNoticePullDownPerPort feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsChangeNoticePullUp Identifies whether the ChangeNoticePullup feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsChangeNoticePullUpPerPort Identifies whether the ChangeNoticePullUpPerPort feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsPinChangeNotice Identifies whether the PinChangeNotice feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsPinChangeNoticePerPort Identifies whether the PinChangeNoticePerPort feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsPinMode Identifies whether the PinMode feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsPinModePerPort Identifies whether the PinModePerPort feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsPortsDirection Identifies whether the PortsDirection feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsPortsOpenDrain Identifies whether the PortsOpenDrain feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsPortsRead Identifies whether the PortsRead feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsPortsWrite Identifies whether the PortsWrite feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsRemapInput Identifies whether the RemapInput feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsRemapOutput Identifies whether the RemapOutput feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsLatchRead Identifies whether the LatchRead feature exists on the PORTS module
PLIB_PORTS_ExistsAnPinsMode Identifies whether the AnPinsMode feature exists on the PORTS module

Data Types and Constants

Name Description
PORTS_ANALOG_PIN Data type defining the different analog input pins
PORTS_BIT_POS Lists the constants that hold different PORTS bit positions
PORTS_CHANGE_NOTICE_PIN Data type defining the different Change Notification (CN) pins enumerations
PORTS_CHANNEL Identifies the available Ports channels
PORTS_DATA_MASK Data type defining the PORTS data mask
PORTS_DATA_TYPE Data type defining the PORTS data type
PORTS_MODULE_ID Identifies the available Ports modules
PORTS_PIN_MODE Identifies the available pin modes
PORTS_REMAP_FUNCTION Data type defining the different remap function enumerations
PORTS_REMAP_INPUT_FUNCTION Data type defining the different remap input function enumerations
PORTS_REMAP_INPUT_PIN Data type defining the different Ports I/O input pins enumerations
PORTS_REMAP_OUTPUT_FUNCTION Data type defining the different remap output function enumerations
PORTS_REMAP_OUTPUT_PIN Data type defining the different Ports I/O output pins enumerations
PORTS_REMAP_PIN Data type defining the different remappable input/output enumerations
PORTS_AN_PIN Data type defining the different analog input pins
PORTS_CN_PIN Data type defining the different Change Notification (CN) pins enumerations
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