Timer Peripheral Library Interface for Harmony v2

Detailed descriptions for this library can be found in the MPLAB® Harmony Documentation.


Function Name Description
PLIB_TMR_AssignmentSelect Assigns the specified timer(s) to the selected modules.
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceEdgeGet Gets the source edge information.
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceEdgeSelect Selects the input clock source edge.
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceExternalSyncDisable Disables the clock synchronization of the external input.
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceExternalSyncEnable Enables the clock synchronization of the external input.
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceSelect Selects the clock source.
PLIB_TMR_ContiuousCountModeEnable Enables Continuous Count mode.
PLIB_TMR_Counter16BitClear Clears the 16-bit timer value.
PLIB_TMR_Counter16BitGet Gets the 16-bit timer value.
PLIB_TMR_Counter16BitSet Sets the 16-bit timer value.
PLIB_TMR_Counter32BitClear Clears the 32-bit timer value.
PLIB_TMR_Counter32BitGet Gets the 32-bit timer value.
PLIB_TMR_Counter32BitSet Sets the 32-bit timer value.
PLIB_TMR_Counter8BitClear Clears the 8-bit timer value.
PLIB_TMR_Counter8BitGet Gets the 8-bit timer value.
PLIB_TMR_Counter8BitSet Sets the 8-bit timer value.
PLIB_TMR_CounterAsyncWriteDisable Disables the writes to the counter register until the pending write operation completes.
PLIB_TMR_CounterAsyncWriteEnable Enables back-to-back writes with legacy asynchronous timer functionality.
PLIB_TMR_CounterAsyncWriteInProcess Returns the status of the counter write in Asynchronous mode.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsClockSource Identifies whether the ClockSource feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsClockSourceEdge Identifies whether the ClockSourceEdge feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsClockSourceSync Identifies whether the ClockSourceSync feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounter16Bit Identifies whether the Counter16Bit feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounter32Bit Identifies whether the Counter32Bit feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounter8Bit Identifies whether the Counter8Bit feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounterAsyncWriteControl Identifies whether the CounterAsyncWriteControl feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounterAsyncWriteInProgress Identifies whether the CounterAsyncWriteInProgress feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCountMode Identifies whether the CountMode feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsEnableControl Identifies whether the EnableControl feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGateCurrentState Identifies whether the GateCurrentState feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGatedTimerAccumulation Identifies whether the GatedTimeAccumulation feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGatePolarity Identifies whether the GatePolarity feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExitsGateSinglePulseAquisition Identifies whether the GateSinglePulseAcquisition feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGateSinglePulseMode Identifies whether the GateSinglePulseMode feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGateSource Identifies whether the GateSource feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGateToggleMode Identifies whether the GateToggleMode feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_Exists16BitMode Identifies whether the Mode16Bit feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_Exists32BitMode Identifies whether the Mode32Bit feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_Exists8BitMode Identifies whether the Mode8Bit feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsOperationInSleep Identifies whether the OperationInSleep feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPeriod16Bit Identifies whether the Period16Bit feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPeriod32Bit Identifies whether the Period32Bit feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPeriod8Bit Identifies whether the Period8Bit feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPosscale Identifies whether the Postscale feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPrescale Identifies whether the Postscale feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPrescaledAssignment Identifies whether the PrescalerControl feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsStopInIdleControl Identifies whether the StopInIdle feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsSystemClockStatus Identifies whether the SystemClockStatus feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsTimerAssignment Identifies whether the TimerAssignment feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsTimerOperationMode Identifies whether the TimerOperationMode feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsTimerOscillator Identifies whether the TimerOscillator feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_ExistsEventReset Identifies whether the TriggerEventReset feature exists on the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_GateCurrentStateGet Returns the current level of the timer gate.
PLIB_TMR_GateEnable Enables counting regardless of the corresponding timer gate function.
PLIB_TMR_GateDisable Disables counting regardless of the corresponding timer gate function.
PLIB_TMR_GateSinglePuleAquisitionHasCompleted Returns the gate single pulse acquisition status.
PLIB_TMR_GateSinglePuleAquisitionStart Starts the gate single pulse acquisition.
PLIB_TMR_GateSinglePulseModeDisable Disables Single Pulse mode.
PLIB_TMR_GateSinglePulseModeEnable Enables Single pulse mode and the controlling corresponding timer gate.
PLIB_TMR_GateSourceSelect Selects the timer gate source.
PLIB_TMR_GateToggleModeDisable Disables the Gate Toggle mode.
PLIB_TMR_IsPeriodMatchBased Gets the operating mode state of the timer module based on Period Match or Overflow mode.
PLIB_TMR_Mode16BitEnable Enables the timer module for 16-bit operation and disables all other modes.
PLIB_TMR_Mode32BitEnable Enables the timer module for 32-bit operation and disables all other modes.
PLIB_TMR_Mode8BitEnable Enables the timer module for 8-bit operation and disables all other modes.
PLIB_TMR_OperateInSleepDisable Disables timer module operation when the device is in Sleep mode.
PLIB_TMR_OperateInSleepEnable Enables timer module operation when the device is in Sleep mode.
PLIB_TMR_Period16BitGet Gets the 16-bit period value.
PLIB_TMR_Period32BitGet Gets the 32-bit period value.
PLIB_TMR_Period8BitGet Gets the 8-bit period value.
PLIB_TMR_Period16BitSet Sets the 16-bit period value.
PLIB_TMR_Period32BitSet Sets the 32-bit period value.
PLIB_TMR_Period8BitSet Sets the 8-bit period value.
PLIB_TMR_PostscaleDivisorGet Gets the postscaler divisor information.
PLIB_TMR_PostscaleGet Gets the postscaler divisor information.
PLIB_TMR_PostscaleSelect Selects the output clock postscaler.
PLIB_TMR_SingleShotModeEnable Enables Single-shot mode.
PLIB_TMR_Start Starts/enables the indexed timer.
PLIB_TMR_Stop Stops/dsables the indexed timer.
PLIB_TMR_StopInIdleDisable Continue module operation when the device enters Idle mode.
PLIB_TMR_StopInIdleEnable Discontinues module operation when the device enters Idle mode.
PLIB_TMR_SystemClockFromTimerIsActive Gets the system clock status.
PLIB_TMR_TimerOscillstorDisable Disables the oscillator associated with the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_TimerOscillstorEnable Enables the oscillator associated with the timer module.
PLIB_TMR_TriggerEventResetDisable Disables the special event trigger reset.
PLIB_TMR_TriggerEventResetEnable Enables the special event trigger reset.

Data Type

Data Types Description
TMR_MODULE_ID Defines the specific timer being referenced.


Name Description
TMR_ASSIGNMENT Data type defining the timer assignment to modules.
TMR_CLOCK_SOURCE Data type defining the different clock sources.
TMR_CLOCK_SOURCE_EDGE Data type defining the different source edges.
TMR_GATE_POLARITY Data type defining the different gate polarities.
TMR_GATE_SOURCE Data type defining the different gate source selections.
TMR_MODULE_ID Identifies the supported timer modules.
TMR_POSTSCALE Defines the list of possible postscaler values.
TMR_PRESCALE Defines the list of possible prescaler values.
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