MPLAB® Harmony v2

The MPLAB® Harmony Integrated Software Framework version 2 is a flexible, abstracted, fully integrated firmware development platform for PIC®32 microcontrollers. It takes key elements of modular and object-oriented design, adds in the flexibility to use a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) or work without one, and provides a framework of software modules that are easy to use, configurable for your specific needs, and work together in complete harmony.

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 Self-Paced Training

The material in these training modules exists elsewhere on this site in a general reference format. However, the training modules present it in an organized, step-by-step sequence to help you learn the topic from the ground up.

 Projects and Examples

 Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I get this MHC error: "Failed to locate clock plugin module file"?
PIC32 SPI Receive Data Buffer is Empty and Interrupt Flag is Not Set
MPLAB® Harmony Configuration - Error: "... not a valid Harmony directory"
MPLAB® Harmony - TCP/IP MAC Address Location
Using MPLAB® Harmony MHC to Control PIC32M JTAG
Use MPLAB® Harmony to Access the PIC32MX/MZ MAC Address
Is it possible to do a CAN bootloader for PIC32?
What is the SD card size limit in MPLAB® Harmony?
MPLAB® Harmony SST25 Flash Driver Block Write Function Doubles the Address and Data
MPLAB® Harmony Project Organization and Version Control
MPLAB® Harmony Bootloader Warning Message - "...addresses that do not exist"
MPLAB® Harmony - Why are 21 bits reserved after 11 CAN ID bits?
How much graphics frame buffer memory is required to display one full screen?
How many sockets can the MPLAB® Harmony TCP/IP stack support?
How can I change the MAC address using the Harmony TCP/IP stack?
How can I change my website homepage using MPLAB® Harmony?
How can I add Telnet functionality to MPLAB® Harmony TCP/IP framework?
Get Started with PIC32 USB Applications
Does the SD Card Library in MPLAB® Harmony support a 4-bit SD bus mode?
Unable to create MPLAB® Harmony project or MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC) plugin crashes on load.
Recommended MPLAB® Harmony file/repository organization for version control
Is it possible to use a USB Bridge device with MPLAB® Harmony USB host to access an SD card?
Writing to a file using the Harmony File System doesn't seem to be working
Why doesn't the MPLAB® Harmony pin diagram show the programming (PGEC/PGED) pins?
Why can't I choose a specific BSP in MPLAB® Harmony Configurator ?
What MHC plugin version is compatible with the version of Harmony I want to use?
Are there any GPL/LGPL licensed components in MPLAB® Harmony?
Where are MPLAB Harmony Example Demonstration Projects Documented?
What is the best way to search for answers in the Harmony Help file?
Does the ADC on the PIC32MZ EC work well? Should I use it?
Why does my MPLAB Harmony project have four logical folders named "framework"?
Do I need to use version control when using MPLAB Harmony?
Where can I find Harmony’s Software License Agreement?
Is there a guide that can help me transition from MLA to Harmony?
Which PIC32 product families are supported by Harmony?
Who provides the support for third-party MPLAB® Harmony software?
Where can I purchase third-party software for MPLAB® Harmony?
Where can I get answers to my MPLAB® Harmony questions?
Can I download individual MPLAB® Harmony software modules?
Are there any fees associated with MPLAB® Harmony?
Should I use MPLAB® Harmony libraries or the MLA?
How does MPLAB® Harmony differ from Microchip Libraries for Applications (MLA)?
What is MPLAB® Harmony?
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