Interrupt System Service Libray for Harmony v2

Detailed descriptions for this library can be found in on "MPLAB® Harmony v2 Help and Documentation"
(found in the <harmony install directory>/doc folder).

Interrupt System Setup Functions

Name Description
SYS_INT_Initialize Configures and initializes the interrupt subsystem.
SYS_INT_DynamicDeregister Deregisters the current ISR from the given interrupt source.
SYS_INT_DynamicRegister Registers an Interrupt "Tasks" Routine for the specified interrupt source or trap).
SYS_INT_ShadowRegisterAssign Assigns a shadow register set for an interrupt priority level.
SYS_INT_ShadowRegisterGet Gets the shadow register set assigned for an interrupt priority level.
SYS_INT_StatusGetAndDisable Disables interrupts to the processor and return the previous status.
SYS_INT_StatusRestore Restores the processor status.

Global Interrupt Management Functions

Name Description
SYS_INT_Disable Disables interrupts to the processor.
SYS_INT_Enable Enables global interrupts to the processor.
SYS_INT_IsEnabled Identifies if interrupts are currently enabled or disabled at the top level.
SYS_INT_ExternalInterruptTriggerSet Sets the external interrupt trigger type.

Interrupt Source Management Functions

Name Description
SYS_INT_SourceDisable Disables the specified source from generating interrupts to the processor.
SYS_INT_SourceEnable Enables the specified source to generate interrupts to the processor.
SYS_INT_SourceIsEnabled Identifies if the specified source is enabled or disabled.
SYS_INT_SourceStatusClear Clears the interrupt request for the specified interrupt source.
SYS_INT_SourceStatusGet Determines the status of the specified interrupt source.
SYS_INT_SourceStatusSet Sets the specified interrupt source.
SYS_INT_VectorPrioritySet Sets the given interrupt vector to the specified priority.
SYS_INT_VectorSubprioritySet Sets the specified interrupt vector to the given sub priority.

Data Types and Constants

Name Description
SYS_INT_TASKS_POINTER Pointer to an interrupt-handling "Tasks" routine.
INT_EXTERNAL_EDGE_TRIGGER Lists the available external interrupt trigger options.
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