Hardware Tools

Microchip provides award-winning development tool solutions to fit every embedded design application.
Hardware tools include:

  • In-Circuit Emulators
  • In-Circuit Debuggers
  • Programmers
  • and more…
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 Self-Paced Training

The material in these training modules exists elsewhere on this site in a general reference format. However, the training modules present it in an organized, step-by-step sequence to help you learn the topic from the ground up.

Tutorial / Class Title
MediaLB® Analyzer Tutorial

 Frequently Asked Questions

MD1715DB2 Demo Board Power Supply and Schematic
Not Enough Breakpoints on the PIC16F1718
Can the Curiosity board be used in conjunction with Microchip Libraries for Applications (MLA) USB code examples?
Why is the PIC16F1619 DAC1OUT on a Curiosity board always at 0 V in debug mode?
Why do I get "Target device was not found ..." ?
What does the "-ICD" suffix on an MCU mean?
Using the Universal Programming Module 2 (AC162049-2)
PICkit™ 3 In-Circuit Debugger Could not Connect to the MCU and Terminated Debug Session
PICkit™ 2 Programmer and Stand Alone Application Issues
MPLAB® ICD2 - Troubleshooting and Replacement Procedure
How do you program a board that only has an ICSP™/PICkit™ 3 interface with another programmer?
How can I program a Microchip 1.8 V 4 MB SST26WF040B flash memory?
Debugging with the Low Pin Count USB Development Kit
Where do I find support for EZ App Lynx?
Where can I find the schematic diagram of IoT Ethernet Kit (Part Number DM990004)?
Unable to Program with PICkit™ 3 In-Circuit Debugger When Target is Very Close
Thermal Management Utility Detects Wrong Hardware
Testing TSOP, SSIC, QFN, DFN Packages on a Breadboard
Support for PICSTART® PLUS Development Programmer
Is support for Arriba IDE (Eclipse) being continued?
How do you program serial EEPROM devices?
Error Message - "Target device was not found (could not detect target voltage VDD)"
Do all Explorer 16 PIMs share a common pinout?
Which PIC32 starter kits support DBPRINT?
Problems Programming Auxiliary Space Using PICKit™ 3 Programmer-To-Go
MPLAB® ICD3 Works, but MPLAB REAL ICE™ In-circuit Emulator Doesn't
Incompatibility of the Curiosity Board with a PIC16F18345
How do I setup the MPLAB® Real ICE™ In-Circuit Emulator to do a trace?
How do I debug a Curiosity Board's PIC16F1503?
Error Message: "PICkit™ 3 is trying to supply 5.00 volts from the USB port, but the target VDD is measured to be 4.6250 volts."
Problems with the LOAD-n-GO Programmer
How to Reprogram the PICkit™ 3 In-Circuit Debugger
How do I start developing with Microchip PIC® MCUs?
How do I program the KEELOQ® keyfob with MPLAB® X?
How do I know if the PICkit™ 3 is compatible with a microprocessor?
Does the APGDT002 support CAN FD?
Debugger Reads an Incorrect Target Device ID on the Explorer 16 Development Board
Capture ICD3CMD.exe Output to a File
Third-Party Programmers for PIC® MCUs
Sample code for MCP46XX devices
PICDEM™ 2 Plus Demonstration Board: Oscillator Assignment
How do you connect GND on an AC Induction Motor on a dsPICDEM™ MCHV development board?
Curiosity Development Board - Target Device ID (0x0) does not match expected Device ID
Connecting a Ethernet Switch to a PIC32MZ
Can I program an Serial Quick Turn Programming (SQTP℠) device with a PICkit™ 3 debugger?
Electrical Characteristics for Voltage Rating on Pins
Can I write Serial Quick Turn Programming (SQTP℠) data without overwriting code program memory using IPE?
Can I reprogram the Oscillator Calibration on a PIC® device?
What serial EEPROMs can be programed with the MPLAB® PM3?
Can I make a custom cable for the PICkit™ 3 debugger?
CAN Bus Demo Board MCP2515DM-BM (TP1) shows incorrect USB voltage
Can I Configure the CCP1 module as PWM to blink LEDs on an MPLAB® Xpress Evaluation Board?
Automatic update of the PM3 Operating System and Split Operating System to the PM3 SD Card
APGDT002 - Does the CAN Bus Analyzer Tool support J1939?
8-bit MCU has invalid calibration data (0) when connecting to a PICkit™ 3
The PICkit™ Serial Analyzer software was denied access to its configuration files on Windows® 7
Make and Program Fails Using theAC162049 Universal Programming Module
Is there a discount for purchasing Development Tools for academic use?
Can one PM3 module support both PT and PQ packages?
Can I still use the PICkit™ 3 Application v3.1 ?
Why can't I program the Explorer 16 with a USB cable?
Can I install multiple MPLAB® X and MPLAB 8 IDE versions on the same machine?
AN1175 - Pull-up and pull-down resistors in schematic on PGD and PGC
What are the differences between the MPLAB® REAL ICE™, MPLAB® ICD 3 and the PICkit 3?
What tools do I need to develop PIC® microcontroller applications?
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