Install MPLAB® X IDE

Choose your operating system from the tabs below:


Run Installer

Go to the location where you downloaded the installer. Unzip the downloaded file and run the installer:

Depending on your Windows® security settings, you may get a window asking if you are sure you want to run this program. Click Yes.



Click Next >.

Click image to enlarge.


License Agreement

Click the I accept the agreement radio button.

Click Next >.

Click image to enlarge.


Installation Options

By default, MPLAB® X IDE will be installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX or C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLABX as of v5.45. If you would prefer a different directory, click on the folder icon to the right of the text box and select the desired installation location.

If you don't have an internet connection, select No Proxy. Otherwise, select Use System Proxy Settings.

Click Next >.

Click image to enlarge.


Select Applications

If you only want to install MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IPE, check or uncheck the appropriate boxes. Generally, you should install both programs.

Select the device families you want to be installed. Selecting only what you want makes the installation smaller. You can always run the installer again to add other device families or use the MPLAB Pack Manager to install a single device family pack.

Click Next >.

Click image to enlarge.


Ready to Install

Click Next >.

Click image to enlarge.



Wait until the installer has finished installing all components of the IDE.

Click image to enlarge.


Permit Device Driver Installation

The USB device drivers are required to communicate with Microchip's hardware development tools.

Check the Always trust software from Microchip Technology box to prevent this dialog from appearing in the future.

Click image to enlarge.



Leave the box checked if you want to have your web browser opened to the Microchip MPLAB XC compiler download page to download a compiler for use with MPLAB X IDE.

Uncheck the box if you already have a compiler or want to download one later.

Click Finish.

Installation is complete. There will be icons for MPLAB X IDE and MPLAB IPE on the desktop. There will also be launchers in the Windows/Start menu under All Programs > Microchip > MPLAB X IDE.

Click image to enlarge.
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