Multiple Instances of IPE

To enable multiple simultaneously operating instances of the IPE, several steps must be taken. Full documentation is available through the built-in help utility, and the steps below walk through the process.

1) Open MPLAB® X IDE, go to Help>Tool Help Contents>MPLABX IDE Help.


2) Navigate to the “Before You Begin” section.


3) “Launch Multiple Instances of the IDE.”


4) Follow the instruction below and apply to the IPE.

Invoking Instances of the IDE

MPLAB X® IDE requires each instance to have its own user directory. Therefore, plug-ins added to, or preferences set for one instance will not be reflected in another. In order to invoke multiple instances, launch the IDE with the –-userdir option and specify a directory.

Windows OS
Create a shortcut with the
–-userdir option. For example, on Windows 7 OS:
1. Right click on the desktop and select New>Shortcut.
2. Browse to the installed MPLAB® X IDE executable, by default at:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLAB\mplab_ide\bin\ mplab_ide.exe"
3. At the end of the line, enter the location of the user directory. You can either place your directory under the default location for this type of MPLAB® X IDE information:
—userdir "C:\Users\MyFiles\AppData\Roaming\.mplab_ide\ dev\anydir" or you can place it where ever you like: —userdir anydir//
4.Click **OK

Linux OS
The installed version run without any parameters (clicking on the desktop icon) will run with a user directory of
$(HOME)/.mplab_ide. To change the user directory, run the $InstallationDir/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide shell script passing the argument —userid anydir. For example, to run MPLAB® X IDE in two different instances:

/$ /opt/microchip/mplabx/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide —userdir ~/.
anydir1 &
$ /opt/microchip/mplabx/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide —userdir ~/.
anydir2 &

You can also create desktop icons that have the user ID embedded.

Mac OS
Open a Shell window and type the command line listed below to execute your installation of MPLAB® X IDE in an alternate user directory. You can either place your directory under the default location for this type of MPLAB® X IDE information:

$/bin/sh /Applications/microchip/mplabx/
Resources/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide —userdir "${HOME}/Library/
Application Support/mplab_ide/dev/

or you can place it where ever you like:
$/bin/sh /Applications/microchip/mplabx/
Resources/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide —userdir

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