Serial Quick Turn Programming (SQTP) Settings

SQTP (Serial Quick Turn Programming) is used to program a unique serial number into each device. This number can be used as an entry code, password, or ID number. To view and change the settings of SQTP, you first need to login to the Advanced Mode. After logging in successfully to the Advanced Mode, from the dialog, click on SQTP on the left to display the available settings. See figure below:


The table below describes the details of each SQTP options.

Setting Description
Generation Method:
Random Select this option to generate unique, random numbers for each part. Also enter the start address, number of bytes and number of parts in the corresponding fields
Pseudo Random Seed Value (Hex): Select this option to generate a pseudo-random set of non-repeating numbers based on the Hex value you enter in the Seed Value field. Also enter the start address, number of bytes and number of parts in the corresponding fields
Sequential Start Value (Hex) Increment (Hex): Select this option to generate sequential numbers based on the starting value specified and incrementing each number by the amount specified. Also enter the start address, number of bytes and number of parts in the corresponding fields
Start Address (Hex) Enter the starting address (in hex) for the serial number
Number of bytes (Dec) Enter the size of the serial number (in decimal). Make sure a large enough serial number is specified for the number of parts planned to program using this file
Number or parts (Dec) Enter the number of parts to be programmed using this file
Generate Click Generate to create the SQTP (.num) file
Program Memory Select this option to load the SQTP number in program memory
EEPROM Select this option to load the SQTP number in EEPROM
Access Method:**
RETLW Select this option to use a series of RETLW (Return Literal W) instructions with the serial number bytes as the literal data
Raw Data Select this option to use the raw data
Format for PSV If the Raw Data option is selected, selecting Format for PSV formats SQTP data to make it compatible with PSV (Program Space Visibility)
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