Low Dropout (LDO) Selector Tool

Single Output LDO Regulator: The single output of regulated voltage with your choice of fixed or adjustable output.

Multiple Output LDO Regulator: Multiple outputs of the regulated voltage of the fixed output.

Ripple Blocker: LDO with a low-pass filter in one package for high PSRR of various frequency ranges.

LDO Controller & SIM Card Products: LDO controller includes all the control functions required in the design of low dropout linear regulator. SIM card level shifter integrates three high-speed level shifters for SIM card signal translation and an LDO to power the SIM card.

LDO Selector Tool

Choose the type of LDO

Non-Automotive Automotive RippleBlockers(High PSRR) LDO Controller

What is the MAX input voltage range?

Up to 5.5 Vin 6 Vin to 16 Vin 18 Vin to 36 Vin 38 Vin to 120 Vin Negative LDO

What is the MAX current output range?

100 mA to 150 mA 200 mA to 300 mA 400 mA to 500 mA 600 mA to 5.0 A

Choose your feature

High PSRR Ultra Low Dropout Small Size Low Power(Low Iq) Low Vin General Purpose

How Many Outputs? (Channels or Vout Pins)

Single (1) Dual (2) Multiple (3-4)
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