MCP1630 Boost Mode LED Driver

MCP1630 and MCP1631 High-Speed Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Controllers

The MCP1630 and MCP1631 offer another method that can be used to generate high-speed Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) signals for high power LED drivers. The MCP1630 is an 8-pin device that contains the components needed to generate an analog PWM control loop, including an error amplifier, a comparator, and a high current output pin to drive a power transistor. The MCP1630 is designed to be used with an MCU that provides a reference clock source. The MCU controls the PWM frequency and maximum duty cycle. The switching frequency can be up to 1 MHz, depending on the application requirements. The MCU can also control the reference input for the error amplifier when dimming or soft start functions are required. Multiple MCP1630 devices can be attached to an MCU to support multiple power channels. The MCP1630 can be used to solve advanced power supply issues. When multiple MCP1630 devices are used, phase offsets can be applied to each clock input to reduce bus current ripple. For applications that are sensitive to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), dithering can be applied to the clock signal to reduce radiated energy at a given frequency.

The MCP1631 is a 20-pin device that, in addition to the MCP1630, includes an internal 5 V or 3.3 V regulator, shutdown control, overvoltage protection, oscillator disable, and 1x and 10x gain amplifiers.

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Boost Mode LED Driver Using MCP1630 & PIC12HV615


MCP1630 Boost Mode LED Driver Demo Board

The MCP1630 Boost Mode LED Driver Demo Board is a step-up, switch-mode, Direct Current (DC)-DC converter used for power LED applications. The demo board provides a 350 mA or 700 mA constant current source with a jumper selection. The input operating voltage range is 9 VDC – 16 VDC and the board can supply up to 30 W to a string of power LEDs.

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