LIN Description File (LDF)
The configuration of the Local Interconnect Network (LIN) network cluster, i.e. the specification of:
- Network publishers and subscribers
- Signals
- Frames
is managed in the LIN Description File (LDF). This is an ASCII-text file created by the network designer and provided to vendors who will be developing LIN Master/Slave node hardware/software.
From the LDF, ANSI-C driver code and header files are automatically generated using suitable tools, such as the IHR LIN Driver Configuration Tool.
Basic Workflow
- Defined by consortium.
- Global description language:
- One single file describes a complete LIN network.
- Universal file for embedded software, test, validation, and analysis tools.
- Defines cluster information:
- Protocol Version.
- Language Version.
- Bus Speed.
- Node List.
- Signals.
- Frames.
- Schedule Tables.
LDF Header Section
LDF Signal Definition Section
LDF Signals
LDF Frame Definition Section
LDF Frames
Further Reading
A detailed description of the LIN Configuration Language is provided in Section 9 of the LIN v2.2A Specification.