Machine Learning

Get ready to add Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to your next design. Whether you’re new to AI and ML and require a simplified and easy-to-use environment, or you’re an experienced developer looking for advanced performance, you’ll find the right tool for the job in our selection of software and hardware tool kits, reference designs, and silicon platforms. We have also partnered with industry-leading design houses to offer complete AI-based solutions that integrate seamlessly with our products and platforms. These total solutions can be created with little to no AI development experience. We make it easy to implement AI and ML algorithms for collecting and organizing data, training neural networks in data centers, or implementing optimized inference on the edge.

Our extensive portfolio of silicon devices includes microcontrollers (MCUs), microprocessors (MPUs), and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Our software tool kits allow the use of popular ML frameworks including TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe, and many others covered by the ONNX umbrella as well as those found within TinyML and TensorFlow Lite. This combination of hardware and software enables you to design a variety of applications including high-performance AI acceleration cards for data centers, self-driving cars, security and surveillance, electronic fences, augmented and virtual reality headsets, drones, robots, satellite imagery, and communication centers.

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