PIC16F1xxx Instruction Set
This applies to the PIC16F1xxx and PIC16LF1xxx families of PIC® MCUs.
Byte Oriented Operations | ||||||
Mnemonic, Operands |
Description | Cycles | 14-bit Opcode MSb……LSb |
Status Affected |
Notes | |
ADDWF | f,d | Add W and f | 1 | 00 0111 dfff ffff | C, DC,Z | 2 |
ADDWFC | f,d | Add with Carry W and f | 1 | 11 1101 dfff ffff | C,DC,Z | 2 |
ANDWF | f,d | AND W with f | 1 | 00 0101 dfff ffff | Z | 2 |
ASRF | f,d | Arithmetic Right Shift | 1 | 11 0111 dfff ffff | C, Z | 2 |
LSLF | f,d | Logical Left Shift | 1 | 11 0101 dfff ffff | C, Z | 2 |
LSRF | f,d | Logical Right Shift | 1 | 11 0110 dfff ffff | C, Z | 2 |
CLRF | f | Clear f | 1 | 00 0001 1fff ffff | Z | 2 |
CLRW | Clear W | 1 | 00 0001 0000 00xx | Z | ||
COMF | f,d | Complement f | 1 | 00 1001 dfff ffff | Z | 2 |
DECF | f,d | Decrement f | 1 | 00 0011 dfff ffff | Z | 2 |
INCF | f,d | Increment f | 1 | 00 1010 dfff ffff | Z | 2 |
IORWF | f,d | Inclusive OR W with f | 1 | 00 0100 dfff ffff | Z | 2 |
MOVF | f,d | Move f | 1 | 00 1000 dfff ffff | Z | 2 |
MOVWF | f | Move W to f | 1 | 00 0000 1fff ffff | None | 2 |
RLF | f,d | Rotate left f through Carry | 1 | 00 1101 dfff ffff | C | 2 |
RRF | f,d | Rotate right f through Carry | 1 | 00 1100 dfff ffff | C | 2 |
SUBWF | f,d | Subtract with Borrow W from f | 1 | 11 1011 dfff ffff | C,DC,Z | 2 |
SUBWFB | f,d | Subtract W from f | 1 | 00 0010 dfff ffff | C,DC,Z | 2 |
SWAPF | f,d | Swap nibbles in f | 1 | 00 1110 dfff ffff | None | |
XORWF | f,d | Exclusive OR W with f | 1 | 00 0110 dfff ffff | Z | 2 |
Byte Oriented Skip Instructions | ||||||
Mnemonic, Operands |
Description | Cycles | 14-bit Opcode MSb……LSb |
Status Affected |
Notes | |
DECFSZ | f,d | Decrement f, Skip if 0 | 1(2) | 00 1011 dfff ffff | None | 1,2 |
INCFSZ | f,d | Increment f, Skip if 0 | 1(2) | 00 1111 dfff ffff | None | 1,2 |
Bit Oriented File Register Operations | ||||||
Mnemonic, Operands |
Description | Cycles | 14-bit Opcode MSb……LSb |
Status Affected |
Notes | |
BCF | f,b | Bit Clear f | 1 | 01 00bb bff ffff | None | 2 |
BSF | f,b | Bit Set f | 1 | 01 01bb bfff ffff | None | 2 |
Bit Oriented Skip Operations | ||||||
Mnemonic, Operands |
Description | Cycles | 14-bit Opcode MSb……LSb |
Status Affected |
Notes | |
BTFSC | f,b | Bit Test f, Skip if Clear | 1(2) | 01 10bb bfff ffff | None | 1,2 |
BTFSS | f,b | Bit Test f, Skip if Set | 1(2) | 01 11bb bfff ffff | None | 1,2 |
Literal Operations | ||||||
Mnemonic, Operands |
Description | Cycles | 14-bit Opcode MSb……LSb |
Status Affected |
Notes | |
ADDLW | k | Add literal and W | 1 | 11 1110 kkkk kkkk | C,DC,Z | |
ANDLW | k | AND literal with W | 1 | 11 1001 kkkk kkkk | Z | |
IORLW | k | Inclusive OR literal with W | 1 | 11 1000 kkkk kkkk | Z | |
MOVLB | k | Move literal to BSR | 1 | 00 0000 001k kkkk | None | |
MOVLP | k | Move literal to PCLATH | 1 | 11 0001 1kkk kkkk | None | |
MOVLW | k | Move literal to W | 1 | 11 0000 kkkk kkkk | None | |
SUBLW | k | Subtract W from literal | 1 | 11 1100 kkkk kkkk | C,DC,Z | |
XORLW | k | Exclusive OR literal with W | 1 | 11 1010 kkkk kkkk | Z | |
Control Operations | ||||||
Mnemonic, Operands |
Description | Cycles | 14-bit Opcode MSb……LSb |
Status Affected |
Notes | |
BRA | k | Relative Branch | 2 | 11 001k kkkk kkkk | None | |
BRW | Relative Branch with W | 2 | 00 0000 0000 1011 | None | ||
CALL | k | Call Subroutine | 2 | 10 0kkk kkkk kkkk | None | |
CALLW | Call Subroutine with W | 2 | 00 0000 0000 1010 | None | ||
GOTO | k | Goto address | 2 | 10 1kkk kkkk kkkk | None | |
RETFIE | k | Return from interrupt | 2 | 00 0000 0000 1001 | None | |
RETLW | k | Return, place literal in W | 2 | 11 0100 kkkk kkkk | None | |
RETURN | k | Return from subroutine | 2 | 00 0000 0000 1000 | None | |
Inherent Operations | ||||||
Mnemonic, Operands |
Description | Cycles | 14-bit Opcode MSb……LSb |
Status Affected |
Notes | |
CLRWDT | Clear Watchdog Timer | 1 | 00 0000 0110 0100 | TO,PD | ||
NOP | No Operation | 1 | 00 0000 0000 0000 | None | ||
OPTION | Load OPTION register with W | 1 | 00 0000 0110 0010 | None | ||
RESET | Software device Reset | 1 | 00 0000 0000 0001 | None | ||
SLEEP | Go into standby mode | 1 | 00 0000 0110 0011 | TO, PD | ||
TRIS | f | Load TRIS register | 1 | 00 0000 0110 0fff | None | |
C-Compiler Optimized | ||||||
Mnemonic, Operands |
Description | Cycles | 14-bit Opcode MSb……LSb |
Status Affected |
Notes | |
ADDFSR | Add Literal to FSRn | 1 | 11 0001 0nkk kkkk | None | ||
MOVIW | Move Indirect FSRn to W | 1 | 00 0000 0001 0nnn | Z | 2 | |
MOVWI | Move W to Indirect FSRn | 1 | 00 0000 0001 1nnnn | Z | 2 |
- If the Program Counter (PC) is modified, or a conditional test is true, the instruction requires two cycles. The second cycle is executed as a NOP.
- If this instruction addresses an INDF register and the MSb of the corresponding FSR is set, the instruction requires one additional instruction cycle.