Analysis Modes

There are various analysis modes available in the MPLAB® Mindi™ Analog Simulator. The majority of the analysis settings can be set and changed by going to Simulator > Choose Analysis or by clicking F8.


Simulator Command Window

The MPLAB Mindi Analog Simulator environment has a Simulator Command window feature that allows you to update or change simulator settings by manually entering commands as texts. To open the Simulator Command window, create a new schematic or select an existing schematic, click F11. If you click F11 a second time, the command window will be hidden.


The Simulator Command window and the Choose Analysis box settings are synchronized with each other. After you make a simulation setting change in the Choose Analysis box, the texts in the command window are updated.


Starting a Simulation

To start a simulation in Normal (i.e., Synchronous) mode, click Simulator > Run Schematic, click F9 or click Run in the Choose Analysis box.

In Synchronous Simulation mode, while the simulation is running, you cannot perform any MPLAB Mindi Analog Simulator functions. In Asynchronous Simulation mode, the simulation runs in the background and you can perform other tasks simultaneously, e.g. creating or changing a schematic.

Pausing a Simulation

To pause the simulation, click Pause in the Simulator - Running box.


To restart the simulation, click Resume or Simulator > Resume. When a simulation is paused, you can perform other tasks including plotting simulation results. This gives you a real-time view of the simulation.


If you decide not to continue after pausing, you don't need to explicitly abort; you can simply start a new simulation run. You will be asked if you would like to resume the pending run. If you click No, the pending run will be aborted and a new run will start automatically.


Aborting a Simulation

Click Simulator > Abort. When you abort a simulation, you will not be able to resume this run.

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