Create a Project Configuration


Open the Project Properties Window

Use one of the listed methods to Open the Project Properties window.


Manage Configurations

All projects contain at least one configuration called default. You can see this on the left side of the Project Properties window as the second node in the tree. All items collected as branches below this node are part of the default configuration.

Click on the Manage Configurations button at the bottom-left corner of the Project Properties window.

Click image to enlarge.


Duplicate Existing or Create New Configuration

The easiest way to create new configurations will usually be to click on the Duplicate button which duplicates the selected configuration, in this case default. If you know that your new configuration will be nothing like the current configuration, you can click New instead.

Click image to enlarge.


Rename the New Configuration

With the new configuration selected, click on the Rename button.

Click image to enlarge.


Give it a Name

The name you provide here is what will be displayed in the IDE to identify this particular configuration in places like the Project Properties window and the drop-down box on the main tool bar.

No spaces are allowed in the name. If you put them in, the IDE will automatically remove them.

Click OK when done.

Click image to enlarge.


Select and Rename the Default Configuration

Select the original, default configuration and click the Rename button.

Click image to enlarge.


Give it a Name

As in step 5, provide a name for this configuration.

Click OK when done.

Click image to enlarge.


Close the Configuration Manager

When you are done adding or duplicating configurations, click OK.

Click image to enlarge.



You should now see two configurations in the tree on the left side of the Project Properties window. Their names should be the same as what you provided in steps 5 and 7 above. Each one of these may now be configured separately, effectively making them "projects within a project".

You can repeat this process as many times as you like to create any number of configurations within a single project. Obviously the developers have imposed some upper limit on the number of configurations - but so far no one has hit that limit, whatever it is.

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