MPLAB® Data Visualizer

MPLAB® Data Visualizer is a graphical run-time debugging tool that can display run-time variables, functions, and power data of an embedded application.The data visualizer is available as an MPLAB plugin or a standalone debugging tool. As of MPLAB X IDE v5.50, the plugin is included as part of the IDE, accessed by clicking on a toolbar icon MDV_icon.png.

This debug tool is capable of receiving data from various sources such as the Embedded Debugger Data Gateway Interface (DGI) and COM ports. Track your application's run-time using a terminal or graph. Having control of your code's run-time behavior has never been easier.


Data can be graphed as:

  • A raw streaming 8-bit variable.
  • Multiple variables in a data streaming protocol.

Visualization of program flow, logic analyzer functions:

  • Code instrumentation: Entering/exiting functions for timing analysis.
  • Debug DGI GPIO.


For more on data visualizer key features and operation, as well as links to download the standalone application, MPLAB X IDE plugin, and user's guide, see: MPLAB Data Visualizer Product Page.

Alternately, you can find the standalone application at: MPLAB Data Visualizer Standalone.

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