Data Monitor and Control Interface (DMCI) Runtime Watch
To use the Data Monitor and Control Interface (DMCI) Runtime Watch, follow these steps:
Ensure DMCI plugin is installed.
Select the REAL ICE™ In-Circuit Emulator as the hardware tool for the project.
Open the Project Properties window for the application being debugged. Select the MPLAB® REAL ICE as the hardware tool (Runtime Watch will only work with a REAL ICE debug tool).
Start the debug session.
Start the debug session by clicking on the Debug icon
Pause the debug session.
Pause the debug session with either a break point

Open the DMCI window.
From the main IDE menu select Tools > Embedded > DMCI > DMCI Window.

Enable Automatic Events.

- Select the Automated Event Settings icon from the DMCI window.
- Check the Enable Operation box, then press OK
Continue the simulation session.
Click on the Run icon to continue the simulation and watch the value of the variable update in the graph as the application runs.