Editor Toolbar
Editor_Last_Edit.png Editor_Back.png Editor_Forward.png Editor_Find_Selection.png Editor_Find_Previous_Occurrence.png Editor_Find_Next_Occurrence.png Editor_Toggle_Highlight.png Editor_Find_Selection.png Editor_Next_Bookmark.png Editor_Previous_Bookmark.png Editor_Toggle_Bookmark.png Editor_Shift_Line_Left.png Editor_Shift_Line_Right.png Editor_Start_Macro_Recording.png Editor_Stop_Macro_Recording.png Editor_Comment.png Editor_Uncomment.png Editor_Header_Source.png

Edit History

Last Edit

Jumps to the location of your last edit and moves the cursor to that line. Hitting this button repeatedly will cycle through all edits in the current session.


Jumps to the location of the previous edit in your edit history and moves the cursor to that line.


Jumps to the location of the next edit in your edit history and moves the cursor to that line.


Find Selection

Searches for other occurrences of whatever text is currently selected in the editor.

Find Previous Occurrence

After clicking on the Find Selection button, this will find the previous occurrence (upward) of the selected text in the editor.

Find Next Occurrence

After clicking on the Find Selection button, this will find the next occurrence (downward) of the selected text in the editor.

Toggle Highlight Search

After clicking on the Find Selection button, this turns on or off the highlighting of other occurrences of the selected text in the editor.


Previous Bookmark

Jumps to the previous bookmark (up) in the current file and moves the cursor to that line.

Next Bookmark

Jumps to the next bookmark (down) in the current file and moves the cursor to that line.

Toggle Bookmark

Creates or removes a bookmark on the line of the cursor's current position.


Shift Line Left

Reduces the indentation…

Shift Line Right

Increases the indentation…


When you have repetitive tasks that you perform frequently, macros can save you quite a bit of time.

Start Macro Recording

Stop Macro Recording



Comments out one or more lines of code around the cursor's current position or multiple highlighted lines.


Uncomments an entire block comment surrounding the cursor's current position.

Toggle Header/Source

Toggle between header file and source file with the same name (e.g., myfile.c and myfile.h).

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