File Menu

New Project


Selecting New Project… brings up a window that allows you to create a new project from scratch. This can also be accessed by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + N keys on your keyboard.

New File


Selecting New File… opens up a window that allows you to create a new file. This can also be accessed by pressing the Ctrl + N keys on your keyboard.

Open Project


Selecting Open Project… brings up the Open Project window. This can also be accessed using Ctrl + Shift + O.

Open Recent Project


Selecting Open Recent Project shows a list of your recently closed projects and allows you to select which project(s) to open.



Selecting Import allows you to import a HEX/ELF prebuilt file, an MPLAB® IDE v8 project, or an IAR Embedded Workbench project.

Open Team Project


Selecting Open Team Project… opens a Team Server that provides various services (Version Control Systems, Issue Tracking, Instant Messaging, and Notifications) designed to help increase productivity by providing an infrastructure for developers collaborating on a project.

Close Project


Selecting Close Project closes the currently selected project.

Close All Projects


Selecting Close All Projects closes all open projects.

Open File


Selecting Open File allows you to open a C file without adding it to the project.

Open Recent File


Selecting Open Recent File brings up a list of all the files you have recently viewed and allows you to open them directly.

Project Group


Selecting Project Group allows multiple projects to be opened all at the same time.

Project Properties


Selecting Project Properties opens the Project Properties window, the central location from which you may control all aspects of your project.



Selecting Save will save the file currently selected in the editor. You can also save by pressing the Ctrl + S keys on your keyboard.

Save As


Selecting Save As… allows you to save a copy of the file currently selected in the editor with a different name.

Save All


Selecting Save All saves all files and project settings at once. You can also save all by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + S keys on your keyboard.

Page Setup


Selecting Page Setup… allows you to select the size, margins, and orientation of the paper the C file will be printed on.



Selecting Print will print the selected C file. You can also print by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P keys on your keyboard.

Print to HTML


Selecting Print to HTML… saves the selected C file as an HTML document.



Selecting Exit will save and exit the open MPLAB® X IDE projects.

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