Other Resources

In addition to Developer Help, other resources are available to assist you in learning about and working with MPLAB® X IDE and other Microchip tools.

  • Videos: The Microchip Technology channel on YouTube contains many helpful videos.
  • Webinars: The Microchip website hosts various webinars (web seminars) on our products.
  • Microchip Docs: Go to Microchip Docs to search for documentation, such as the “MPLAB X IDE User’s Guide.”
  • MPLAB X IDE Help: This guide contains the latest information about the IDE and all supported Microchip tools; help on installed plug-ins may be available as well. You must install MPLAB X IDE to view the included Help (in JavaHelp format).
  • MPLAB X IDE Support Documents: Included with each MPLAB X IDE version is the supporting documentation for development, including tool release notes, a supported devices list, a table of tool debug features, and device reserved resources lists. Select Help>Release Notes.
  • Microchip Forums: Search for an answer to a specific question on our forums.
  • Customer Support: Browse the support knowledge base or create a support ticket using our automated Microchip Technical Support.
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