Remove highlighting from search results or selection matches

After you've searched for and found a variable's or function's name, you may want to remove the highlighting that enabled you to find it. Follow the steps below to see an easy way to remove the highlighting.

MPLAB X IDE's editor will highlight each instance where a match has been found from either a search or when some text is selected in the editor. For example if you select (highlight) a variable's name, each instance of that variable within the file will also be highlighted and indicated with a gold bar in the error stripe. While this feature can be invaluable for finding what you are looking for, it can also be a nuisance when you are done and no longer wish to see all those items highlighted. With the default settings, the highlighted items will not return to normal until you select or search for another item. To change this behavior and make it so that clicking in blank space will remove the highlighting, do the following:


From the main menu select Tools ▶ Options



In the window that opens, click on the C/C++ icon along the top then uncheck the Keep Marks option


To disable the highlighting feature altogether, uncheck the Mark Occurrences Of Symbol Under Caret option.


Click the OK button

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