The SCL read() function is an overloaded routine, meaning it can accept different parameter lists for different kinds of input (e.g. a string or a file).
This version parses a value from a string.
read(inStr, // String to parse
result) // variable to receive newly parsed value
This version also parses a value from a string, but returns a status.
read(inStr, // String to parse
result, // variable to receive newly parsed value
status) // boolean, true if parse was successful
This version reads a word value from a text file.
read(fileVar, // file variable of file to be read
location) // sfr or shared location to receive value
inStr is the string variable to be parsed. Typically the string was read from an input file. Parsing occurs from left to right in the string. Note that after the call to read(), the parsed value will be removed from the string.
result is a variable that receives the parsed value. The variable can be of type integer, string, or time. The format of the string token varies based on type.
"FF 03E 25" // typical integer tokens
"typical string tokens" // typcial string tokens
"10 ms 20 us" // typcial time tokens
location is a Special Function Register or shared location to receive the newly read value.
status is a boolean variable containing read operation status. If true, the read operation succeeded.