J-Link Microchip Adapter

This programmer/debugger is an older model and is no longer for sale. Please visit Microchip’s "Programmers and Debuggers" page to find currently available options.

An adapter to use the J-Link probe with Microchip PIC32 devices is provided with a SEGGER J-Link probe purchased through Microchip. If you already own a supported SEGGER J-Link probe, you may purchase the adapter separately at:

Adapter configurations are shown in the figures below.

Figure: J-Link Microchip Adapter - 2-Wire Joint Test Action Group (JTAG)


Figure: J-Link Microchip Adapter - 4-Wire JTAG


Available target interfaces

In general, there are three target interfaces available on PIC32 devices:

  1. Debug via traditional 4-wire JTAG (IEEE1149.1)
  2. Debug via Microchip proprietary 2-wire JTAG
  3. Programming via Microchip proprietary 2-wire JTAG

(1) and (3) are supported by all PIC32 devices. (2) is supported by all later PIC32 devices, but not by some old ones. On such devices, debugging via 4-wire JTAG should be used. The following devices do not support full debugging via 2-wire JTAG:

  • PIC32MX320 / 340 / 360 series devices
  • PIC32MX420 / 440 / 460 series devices
  • PIC32MX534 / 564 / 575 series devices
  • PIC32MX664 / 675 / 695 series devices
  • PIC32MX775 / 764 / 795 series devices

When using 4-wire JTAG (1), the device must be fully erased first so that configuration bits can be selected accordingly for 4-wire operation.

The J-Link PIC32 Adapter provides connectors for all commonly used headers for PIC32:

  • 14-pin 0.1" connector for 4-wire JTAG
  • RJ11 connector for 2-wire JTAG
  • 6-pin PICkit connector (soldering option)

What is 2-wire JTAG?

2-wire JTAG is a proprietary debug interface defined by Microchip. Based on a 4-wire JTAG device internally, using a 2-wire converter that multiplexes the TMS, TDI, TDO JTAG lines to a single data line to the outside and demultiplexes it to the inside. Requires a special conversion unit in the device. On older devices, this conversion unit was only activated in case the device was in the special 2-wire programming mode but did not allow full debugging using the 2-wire protocol.

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