Subversion Linux

Subversion Client

The Subversion client contains the commands to interface with local and server repositories.

To install any application on Ubuntu, root permissions are required for the current user or you need to login as root.

How to check if Subversion is installed on Ubuntu and install it if not

Usually Linux systems install by default a version control system, but this depends on the Linux distribution.
To check if Subversion is installed on your machine, there are some very simple steps to follow:

Using the terminal

Check installation


Open a terminal


Type the following command:

svn —version


If subversion is installed on your machine, then you should see listed some information about svn client.


If subversion is not installed on your machine, then an error will be displayed.

Install subversion

Since we have determined that the Subversion program is not installed under Ubuntu using the Terminal, then we could install it as follows:


Open a terminal or use the terminal from steps before.


Type the command:

sudo apt-get install subversion


You might be asked for your password. Type it and hit Enter.


It is possible that a list of packages will need to be installed for Subversion to work, they will be listed, then the message "Do you want to continue [Y/n]", type y then Enter to agree with.


After packages are downloaded from internet, they will be installed on your system.
The install process should be finished when the command prompt line is free (blinking cursor near $ sign).

Click image to enlarge.


Check the installation as mentioned in the "Check installation" steps.


Done !

Using a visual program - Synaptic Package Manager

Check installation


Open the Synaptic Package Manager from the X Start Menu -> System -> Synaptic Package Manager
You will be prompted to enter the password, please do so - remember, your user should have root permissions

Click image to enlarge.


After the program opens, a "Quick filer" window should be docked into the top area.
Type here the word "subversion", a list of packages should be listed below, while typing.


If subversion is installed, then it should have a green filled bullet, if not, the checkbox should be empty.

Click image to enlarge.

Install subversion

After we have determined that the subversion program is not installed into the system… by following the steps mentioned above…


Click on "subversion" checkbox and choose "Mark for installation"


Click on "Apply" button on left of the "Quick filter" docked window.
A summary window should appear listing the changes needed for this package to be installed.

Click image to enlarge.

Click on "Apply".
Wait for the downloads and install to finish.
The subversion package now should have a green bullet before.


Like other programs that are using subversion, MPLAB X also needs to use Subversion from the command line, so checking the installation from a Terminal would be advisable.
Please see topic - "Using the terminal -> Check installation"


Done !

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