View Two Files Simultaneously in MPLAB® X IDE


Split the Editor Window Between Two Files

Click on a tab in the editor and drag it away from the top of the editor window. You should see a red outline appear in the window that moves depending on where you move the mouse while dragging the tab.

The red outline indicates where the tab will snap into place when you release the mouse button.

  • To split the window horizontally, drag the tab to the left or right side of the editor window until the red outline appears as a box along the side, then release the mouse button.
  • To split the window vertically, drag the tab to the bottom of the editor window until the red outline appears as a box along the bottom (as shown in the image below), then release the mouse button.


Resize the Split Window

To resize the proportions of a split window move the mouse to the line that divides the two panes. The cursor should become a double ended arrow. Click and drag to change the portion of the window allotted to each pane.


MPLAB® X IDE allows the user to re-arrange and re-size all the windows. Occasionally, you might unintentionally place a window in a hard-to-use location or put it in a place which is difficult to access, MPLAB X IDE provides a utility for Restoring Window locations.

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