The prjMakefilesGenerator utility is found at:
- Windows® OS: $inst_mplabx\mplab_platform\bin\prjMakefilesGenerator.bat
- Linux® OS: $inst_mplabx/mplab_platform/bin/
- macOS®: $inst_mplabx/mplab_platform/bin/
The utility regenerates the nbproject/Makefile* files. If you run the -help argument, you will see:
To run the utility, pass as an argument the MPLAB® X IDE project directories where you want to regenerate the Makefiles. You can also specify which configurations to regenerate. If no configurations are passed (no @confName), then all Makefiles for all configurations will be recreated.
We recommend that you pass the -mplabx-userdir=<path> as a parameter. The <path> value is the value shown in the IDE in the Help > About dialog under userdir. This will ensure that prjMakefilesGenerator will have access to the same list of compilers as the IDE.
Figure: Help About