AC244051, AC244052, AC244061

Header Identification

The AC number is used for ordering the Processor Extension Pak, which contains the debug header. However, this number is not on the header as the board may be used for multiple headers by inserting different -ICE or -ICD devices. To identify these headers, use the following information.

AC Number -ICE/-ICD Device Board Assembly Number
AC244051 PIC16F1509-ICE 02-02208
AC244052 PIC16LF1509-ICE
AC244061 PIC16F527-ICD

Header Setup and Operation

For these headers, there are no jumpers/switches. MPLAB® X IDE will use its selected device to choose the correct device to emulate.

These headers support 8-, 14-, and 20-pin devices. For 8- and 14-pin devices, make sure that device pin 1 is placed at the 20-pin connector pin 1.

Header Limitations

Sometimes a header device (-ICE or -ICD) has operational issues or errata. To determine if a device on a header has limitations, see your hardware tool documentation.

Header Dimensions

The "Dimensions – AC244051, AC244052, AC244061" figure lists the dimensions for the debug header. Dimensions are design values in inches.

If the length and/or width of the debug header is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets, or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target.

Figure: Dimensions – AC244051, AC244052, AC244061
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