Debug Header Connections

The different types of debug header connectors are shown here, as well as information on connecting development tools to the header.

6-Pin Modular Connector

Debug headers with 6-pin modular (RJ-11/ICSP) connectors can connect directly with the following tools:

  • MPLAB® ICD 3
  • MPLAB® REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator (Standard Driver Board)
Figure: Modular Connection

8-Pin SIL Connector

Debug headers with 8-pin Single In-Line (SIL) connectors are compatible with the tools listed below.

PICkit™ 3 In-Circuit Debugger

The 6-pin socket of the debugger may be connected to the eight header pins by removing the two DAT and CLK pins. However, this may compromise the future use of these pins/functions with other tools.

Figure: 8-Pin SIL Connection to a PICkit™ 3

MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger

The 6-pin modular cable attached to the debugger may be connected to the eight header pins through the Modular-to-SIL Adapter.

MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator

The 6-pin modular cable attached to the Standard Driver Board may be connected to the eight header pins through the Modular-to-SIL Adapter. No SPI trace is available with this connection because of the loss of the DAT and CLK pins.

The 8-pin socket of the High-Speed Driver Board or optional Isolation Unit may be directly connected to the eight header pins. Be sure to line up pin 1 on the board with pin 1 on the header.

Figure: 8-Pin SIL Connection to an Emulator

6-Pin SIL Connector

Debug headers with 6-pin SIL connectors are compatible with the tools listed below.

PICkit 3 In-Circuit Debugger

The 6-pin socket of the debugger may be directly connected to the six header pins. Be sure to line up pin 1 on PICkit with pin 1 on the header.

Figure: 6-Pin SIL Connection to a PICkit 3

MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger

The 6-pin modular cable attached to the debugger may be connected to the six header pins through the Modular-to-SIL Adapter.

MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator

The 6-pin modular cable attached to the Standard Driver Board may be connected to the six header pins through the Modular-to-SIL Adapter. No SPI trace is available with this connection because of the loss of the DAT and CLK pins.

The 8-pin socket of the High-Speed Driver Board or optional Isolation Unit may be directly connected to the six header pins. Be sure to line up pin 1 on the board with pin 1 on the header.

Note: No SPI trace is possible in this case because of the loss of DAT and CLK pins. However, if the device supports SPI, two additional header pins can be attached to add this functionality.

Figure: 6-Pin SIL Connection to An Emulator

SIL Optional Connection

Debug headers with 6- and 8-pin SIL connectors have an additional unpopulated connector available for customer use. This connector has the same pinout as the SIL connector. Solder wires to access individual pins or attach an entire vertical connector.

Figure: SIL Optional Connection

Modular®-to-SIL Adapter

You can use this adapter for a 6-pin modular connector to a 6-pin SIL connector. Ensure that you line up pin 1 of J1 with pin 1 of the 6-pin header connector.

Figure: Modular-to-SIL Adapter Connection

Ordering Information

To order the development tools and other hardware shown here, please refer to Table 1.

Hardware Order Number
PICkit 3 DV164131
MPLAB ICD 3 DV164035
MPLAB® REAL ICE In-circuit emulator (Standard Communication) DV244005
MPLAB REAL ICE Performance Pak
MPLAB REAL ICE In-circuit emulator (High-Speed Communication)
MPLAB REAL ICE Isolation Unit
(works with High-Speed Communication)
Modular-to-SIL Adapter AC164110
Table 1
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