Debug Header Hardware Setup

Follow the instructions below to set up debug header hardware and connections.


Check for Inserts

Check the header box for any paper inserts that specify special operating instructions and the emulation header for any stickers.

Special Header Instructions


Set Jumpers and Switches

Set any jumpers or switches on the header to determine device functionality or selection as specified for that header. See the debug header lists for information on how to set up individual headers.


Connect Header to Tool

Connect the header to your desired debug tool by consulting the tool documentation for connection options. An example connection is shown below.

The special -ICE/-ICD device is mounted on the top of a header and its signals are routed to the emulator or debugger connector. These special device versions are labeled with the appropriate suffix (e.g., Device-ICE).

Connect Header to Debug Tool


Connect Header to Target

Connect the header to the target board. On the bottom of the header, there is a socket that is used to connect to the target board. The header can be connected to the target board in one of the following ways:

  • Plastic Dual In-Line (PDIP) header socket to PDIP target socket with a stand-off (male-to-male) connector or single in-line pins. An example connection is shown below.
  • Header socket to plug on the target board.
  • Header socket to target socket with a transition socket (see the Transition Socket Specification, DS51194).

The header socket will have the same pin count as your selected device. The -ICE/-ICD device on the top of the header usually has a larger pin count because it has additional pins that are dedicated to debug.

Connect Header to Target


Power Debug Tool

If using a debug tool that can power the target, power that tool now.


Power the Target

Power the target, if needed.


Continue to MPLAB® X IDE Setup

To set up MPLAB X IDE to use the header, go to Debug Header Setup for MPLAB X IDE.

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