PIC32MX Family

32-bit PIC® Microcontrollers
PIC32MX - MIPS® M4K® Core

  • Up to 120 MHz, 1.65 DMIPS/MHz
  • Up to 512 KB Flash
  • Up to 128 KB SRAM
Click image to enlarge.

 Self-Paced Training

The material in these training modules exists elsewhere on this site in a general reference format. However, the training modules present it in an organized, step-by-step sequence to help you learn the topic from the ground up.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Why does PIC32 execution not return from the interrupt routine?
Why is the REFCLKO signal on the PIC32 not a square wave with a 50% duty cycle?
Why is the PIC32 not entering sleep mode?
Why can't I write to Program / Boot Flash memory?
Why can't I drive my MOSFET when connected to PWM?
What pin is used by the PIC32MX to detect connection of USB 5 V power?
What is the instruction size of a PIC® MCU?
What does the "-ICD" suffix on an MCU mean?
Using Output Compare Interrupts with PWM
Pin Multiplexing on PIC32MX570F512L for UART 5 - Is RPF3 available for UART5TX?
PIC32 SPI Receive Data Buffer is Empty and Interrupt Flag is Not Set
How can I disable/enable JTAG at runtime on the PIC32MZ?
Do the device pin tables show which pins are 5V tolerant?
Using MPLAB® Harmony MHC to Control PIC32M JTAG
How can I create a Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) using an OP Amp and DAC output from a PIC® MCU?
What are the limitations of the PIC32 PMP Slave mode?
PIC32 can run at lower frequencies but not at high frequencies
PIC32 - Open Drain Pin Not Reaching 5V
Is the PIC32's boot memory pre-programmed with a bootloader?
Is it possible to do a CAN bootloader for PIC32?
Impact of Ripple on Vdd when using a Microchip Microcontroller
What PIC32MZ SPI data pins (SDI and SDO) can be used to achieve 50 MHz?
The PIC32 I²S™ LRCK signal is changing on the rising edge. How can I change it on the falling edge?
How do you enable the code protection bit during run time in PIC32MX devices?
How can I find a pin-to-pin compatible microcontroller to migrate my project?
Failed to Program PIC32MM
Does the number of stop-bits selected affect the UART receiver circuitry behavior?
PIC32 is resetting without an exception
PIC32 Exceptions Showing Invalid Address
Connecting a Ethernet Switch to a PIC32MZ
Can the RTCC on a PIC® MCU without a VBAT run off a battery?
Why is a change notification interrupt run without the flag bit being set?
Why can't I get the PIC32 SPI bus to run at 25 MHz?
What is the most common problem encountered when communicating with a PIC® MCU SPI module?
Can the ADC measure 5 V if the VDD is 3.3 V?
Why won't the Watchdog Timer (WDT) wake the PIC32 from sleep?
Why doesn't the MPLAB® Harmony pin diagram show the programming (PGEC/PGED) pins?
Will I damage the peripheral on my 3.3 V device if I'm using it in a 5 V system?
Where can I find the ADC voltage reference?
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