MPLAB® PICkit™ 4 Debugger Unit Description

The debugger consists of an internal main board and an external Micro-B USB connector and an 8-pin SIL connector. On the face of the debugger enclosure is an indicator light strip and a push button located under the logo.

Figure: MPLAB PICkit 4 In-Circuit Debugger

  1. Lanyard Connection - An opening through the top and side for a lanyard (not included) to be attached.
  2. Emergency Recovery Button - If needed, this recessed button is used for Recovery Boot Mode.
  3. Micro-B USB Connector - Used to connect the MPLAB® PICkit™ 4 to the computer with the supplied USB cable.
  4. Indicator Light Strip - Displays the operational modes of the MPLAB PICkit 4 in-circuit debugger (see the "MPLAB PICkit 4 Debugger Indicator Light Strip" page for more information).
  5. Button Area - The area in the center of the shield logo is used for the Programmer-To-Go option and for invoking the bootloader mode. See the “How to Invoke the Bootloader Mode” section of the “MPLAB PICkit 4 Debugger Programmer-To-Go” chapter of the "MPLAB PICkit 4 In-Circuit Debugger User's Guide".
  6. Pin 1 Marker - This designates the pin 1 location for proper connector alignment.
  7. Programming Connector - The connector is an 8-pin SIL header (0.100" spacing) that connects to the target device. See "MPLAB PICkit 4 Debugger Connector Pinout" page.
  8. Micro SD Card Slot1 - The microSD card slot supports a large variety of microSD cards with various speed requirements.
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