Buck Boost Converter PICtail™ Plus Daughter Board

The Buck/Boost Converter PICtail™ Plus Daughter Board provides an easy and economical development platform for dsPIC® SMPS and Digital Power Conversion GS family Digital Signal Controllers which are designed to provide low-cost and efficient control for wide range of power supply topologies and power conversion applications.

The Buck/Boost Converter PICtail™ Plus Board consists of two independent DC/DC synchronous buck converters and one independent DC/DC boost converter. The board operates from an input supply of +9 V to +15 V DC. This board can be controlled either by interfacing to the 28 - pin Starter Development board or to the Explorer 16 Development Board. The control boards provide closed-loop Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control in the software to maintain the desired output voltage level. The dsPIC® SMPS and Power Conversion family devices provide the necessary memory and power supply peripherals to build the control loops in software without the need for external circuitry.

Performance measures that can be evaluated are:

  • Prototyping platform to investigate digital power conversion and digital SMPS design
  • Supports dual-buck and single-boost stage conversion
  • Digital control loop performance of power conversion
  • Dynamic load performance
  • Multiphase buck and synchronous buck converter
  • Parallel operation of two buck converters
  • Multiple output control with single dsPIC33 SMPS device
  • Includes example software for implementing digital dual-synchronous buck converter and boost converter
  • Supports dual-buck and single-boost stage conversion

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